Natural Herbal Weight Loss

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss

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Hoodia Gordonii Plus is the Fastest, Most Effective Weight Loss Supplement Available

The discovery of the active ingredient in the Hoodia gordonii plant is proven with clinical research to suppress one's appetite by up to 2000 calories a day. This amazing and all natural and organic ingredient is the result of 30 years of research by the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) in South Africa. So great is the discovery of this weight-loss ingredient that Pfizer, a large pharmaceutical company, is developing a pill, known as P57, based on the hoodia gordonii plant. Why does Pfizer need to synthesize a product that already works you may ask? In America you cannot patent a natural product so the drug companies need to turn it into a drug by making an un-natural and un-healthy substance so they can patent the product and make billions of dollars. We are delighted to report that WIMSA contested and recently won their case against multinational pharmaceutical companies seeking to develop a drug from South African Hoodia.

What will Hoodia do for you? Hoodia will curb your appetite almost immediately, after taking only a few milligrams Hoodia gives you control over your appetite being the most effective natural appetite suppressant ever found Hoodia will make you feel great- its a natural mood enhancer Hoodia will help you to lose weight by not over-eating Hoodia is 100% Natural with Proven results that will work for you What Hoodia won't do. Hoodia will not give you the shakes like so many other appetite suppressants Hoodia will not make your heart race and will not keep you awake all night long Hoodia will definitely not give you that 'Wired" feeling like so many other appetite suppressants Hoodia will not raise your body temperature and make you feel uncomfortable all day Hoodia is so safe that it is classified as a dietary supplement and not a medicine, it works gently on your system, so gently that you will hardly notice a difference - except that you don't feel hungry!

Learn More About Hoodia Gordonii Plus.

J. Ratliff is author of

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