Natural Herbal Weight Loss

Friday, May 30, 2008

Weight Loss Diary Day 3

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Today is Tuesday February 7 2006, the third day of my weight loss program. Today I am nominating dairy products as the food item that I will not touch. This means that I give up dairy products for today only and will leave a space on my plate where dairy products would go. You may recall that yesterday I decided not to eat any bread.

Overnight the first problem was detected and it concerned my arthritic left ankle becoming extremely painful. So painful that even after taking a fairly strong pain killer I slept for only two to three hours. While I lay awake my mind went over the previous day and I think the problem was self-inflicted. Because I have zero sideways movement on that ankle I have been advised not to walk on uneven surfaces. Where I live, in the Blue Mountains National Park west of Sydney, there are few sidewalks and the ground is very uneven. I think I created the problem by walking on uneven surfaces. But that is no reason to give up, the exercise program requires amending to suit conditions.

- Today started with a much slower walk to pick up my daily paper. I added around and extra quarter mile by walking only where there are sidewalks.

- Breakfast is a glass of orange juice, a toasted bacon sandwich using whole grain bread. Yes, you read correctly, I had a bacon sandwich followed by a banana and a cup of lemon green tea. The great thing about this diet is that you only give up the food that you love one day at a time.

- I didn't feel hungry during the morning and managed to get through to lunch, at 1pm, without thought of food.

- For lunch I had a sandwich of chili chicken, fresh beet (beetroot) and lettuce. Beside it I had about six cherry tomatoes halved and sprinkled with olive oil and chopped basil. A glass of water with a Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar followed because I could feel indigestion starting.

- 3.30pm A cup of lemon green tea and a piece of cake.

- 5pm I started my amended exercise program as follows: First check pulse rate before starting. 2 minutes of stretching exercises until I can comfortably touch the floor with my fingertips without straining hamstrings. 2 minutes of sit-ups. 20 push ups done in groups of five with stretching between. Jogging on the spot on the flat surface of my patio until my pulse increased by 50% from normal.

- 6pm. Dinner is pasta (Penne) in a tomato and vegetable sauce with chunky cut bell peppers (capsicum), zucchini (courgettes), mushrooms and broccoli, with a glass of red wine and a glass of water. Followed by grapes and peach (fresh) for dessert.

- 7pm. About 4 ounces (110 grams) of peanuts because I'm greedy.

- 8.30pm another walk. It has cooled down now and I take a steady ten-minute walk.

Today has been a very easy day, but for those that are doing this with me be aware of serving sizes. Serving too much is the biggest enemy of any weight loss or control program.

This article is copyright ? David McCarthy 2006.

David McCarthy presents the third day of his weight loss diary and invites any interested persons to join with him in this proven, easy to follow program that has worked for him for many years. You can find all of his blogs at a site dedicated to freely sharing knowledge of all things food.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Caralluma Fimbriata - A New Natural Weight Loss Aid

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You are likely to be seeing a new ingredient in some weight loss supplements by the name of Caralluma Fimbriata. Caralluma Fimbriata is similar to hoodia in that it is a natural appetite suppressant.

Caralluma Fimbriata is said to be a vegetable that is used daily in tribal India. It is eaten in several different forms and it is said that it is used by tribesman in the same way Hoodia is used in other parts of the world - Tribesman will consume it before a long hunt to curb the appetite.

A company named Gencor Pacific USA has created a brand called Slimaluma ? which is a standardized extract of Caralluma Fimbriata. Caralluma Fimbriata already has some studies behind it that makes it look very promising in the world of weight loss dietary supplements.

If you have tried Hoodia and did not have any success, you may want to try Caralluma Fimbriata before giving up on an all natural appetite stimulant. Currently there are not many products on the market containing Caralluma Fimbriata but I suspect that will change in the near future. We will probably start seeing combination products which contain other well known weight loss supplements such as green tea, Citrimax, and Chromium.

Remember that weight loss supplements usually target different areas. Some are considered fat burners, some inhibit the absorption of carbs or fat, and some are appetite suppressants. Caralluma Fimbriata is for people who want help in controlling their appetite.

We may see Caralluma Fimbriata combined with ingredients designed to burn fat, absorb carbs, etc. Keep in mind what your goal is before purchasing a weight loss supplement and you will probably not be disappointed with the results. It appears Caralluma Fimbriata will be affordable and the dosages will be reasonable. It appears that dosages are going to be around 1 gram per day. The manufacturers will probably recommend divided doses throughout the day but be sure and follow the directions on the bottle.

Bill Herren is the webmaster for bringing Top rated diet weight loss supplements and weight loss ebooks

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Atkins Diet Phase Two - Ongoing Weight Loss

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If you have made it past the initial induction phase of the Atkins Diet, congratulations on accomplishing the first stage of your weight loss goal. The Ongoing Weight Loss program you are entering into now is where you will being to customize the Atkins program to fit your individual tastes which is what makes the Atkins Diet Program so unique in the diet and weight loss world.

Even though you are now allowed a little more flexibility than in the induction phase of the program this second stage will continue to amaze you with the how much the weight will continue to drop and the fat melt off. You will begin to see a gradual slow down of the rate in which the weight loss and inches lost occur. This is a normal and deliberate part of the plan so don't let it bother you. Just bear in mind that just because you are being allowed a few more carbs it doesn't mean you can go back to eating whatever you want. You must eat good quality carbs and steer clear of junk carbs such as white flour and sugar.

You must also have a set goal. Do not just make a goal of losing some weight, have a specific amount of weight you want to lose and write the goal down. It is much easier to visualize you end goal when it is written down. You must visualize and see how your body will look and how you will feel when you reach your goal.

With the Ongoing Weight Loss Program you will learn to continue to burn and dissolve fat, maintain control of your appetite, learn how many more carbs you can take in and eat a wider choice of foods.

The following are the main rules of Ongoing Weight Loss:

Keep protein and fat as the mainstays of your nutritional regimen Do not increase your daily carb intake by more than five grams a week Add new foods in the order listed in the Atkins carb ladder Only add one food group at a time Stop new foods immediately if they promote weight gain or increased cravings Continue on Ongoing Weight Loss until you have five to ten pounds to lose.

If you follow these guidelines you are sure to be successful in your quest for weight loss.

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. Get your Atkins Diet products at

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #1: Lose Weight to Fight Osteoporosis

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It is a well known fact that exercise and weight loss make you both look and feel better. Another bit of common knowledge is that to lose weight, control your diet, and exercise regularly gives you a healthier heart.

In addition to the previously mentioned benefits of proper diet and exercise are several other very specific health benefits of having a regular exercise and weight loss program.

One additional health benefits of exercise and weight loss activities is guarding against osteoporosis, the disease that makes the bones weak and brittle with age.

Weight-bearing activities like walking, ellyptical machine, and jogging, have been shown to strengthen the skeletal system and lower the risk of the development of this very debilitating disease.

The primary reason for this is that exercises that force the body to bear weight make the bones more dense over time as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle, in which the bones get weaker and more brittle due to a lack of force placed against them.

In women in particular, the low estrogen levels that often accomopany menopause and/or very sporadic menstruation make the problem even worse as the bones lose a lot of their mineral content and weaken accordingly.

In addition, such activities that many take part in to either lose weight or maintain an already healthy body composition have also been shown to aid in preventing further development of the disease for those who have already been diagnosed and have received clearance from their doctor.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #34

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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #34

Hello Divine One Who Laughs A Lot,

What happens when we laugh? What do we get to experience in our bodies? How do we feel?

I know what laughter does for me. I feel absolutely incredible and energized when I laugh. I want you to feel energized too so keep reading as I share my true story to make you laugh!

First, according to French neurologist, Henri Rubenstein, "One minute of laughter can give the body up to 45 minutes of therapeutic relaxation." Just imagine what ten minutes can do?

Have you ever heard the story of Norman Cousins, the late editor of The Saturday Review, who was taken ill with a severe connective tissue disease? When doctors gave up on him, he cured himself with large doses of Vitamin C and comedies. He found that ten minutes of belly laughter had an anesthetic effect, and he recorded his experiences in self-healing through laughter in a best-selling book, Anatomy of an Illness.

What do you think laughter can do in terms of weight loss?

When you laugh you can burn calories according to experts at Vanderbilt University, and the more you laugh, the more you burn. Those little endorphins know exactly what they're doing. They're saying, "Come here little fat cells, come to momma." They're unstoppable, like The Terminator, eliminating those fat cells with a vengeance.

Want more endorphins? Start laughing! Laughter = weight loss!

Here's a few endorphins for you....something to tickle your funny bone, and it's a true story.

As you know I have been dating, and it's been a delightful experience. Recently, my partner and I had been e-mailing back and forth and, feeling a little spontaneous, made the decision to meet...right away. I had not seen him for two weeks so was very excited at the anticipation of our rendezvous. I was rushing to get out of the house as I had approximately a 45 minute drive to our destination point. Thus, I left the house in a hurry. As I was driving, I was quickly doing a check:

Shaved legs - Yup! Lotion on my legs - Yup! Brushed teeth - Yup! Painted toenails - Yup! HOT outfit - Yup! Yup!

Okay, I'm ready!! I cranked up the CD and continued to drive feeling pretty good. Then realized I had forgotten one check point. I took a quick whiff of the underarms. Oh, my gosh! It had been a hot day and I forgot to do the underarm check. Yikes! Odor alert....I was definitely stinky!

I rummaged through my purse checking for lotion or anything I could rub on my underarms....nothing! I started to panic a little as I wanted to be the epitome of a HOTTIE, and a HOTTIE cannot have underarm odor. I mean it's one of the laws in the HOTTIE creed.

Surely, there must be something down in the depths of my purse......something, anything. My creative juices began to flow when I spotted the tin container. I've never tried using these as an underarm deodorant. Is it possible? Well, I'm a person who likes to think outside the box and this was definitely thinking outside the box...or inside the tin so to speak.

I quickly took one out of the tin, put it on my tongue to wet it and then rubbed it on my underarms. Then I smelled my underarms. I could still smell a hint of BO with a little twist of cinnamon, so I licked and rubbed again. Okay, still a slight odor. This called for more licking and rubbing. There I was on Highway 16 heading to Tacoma, Washington licking and rubbing for most of the 45 minute drive. Did it do the trick?

Yes, Altoids had saved the day...and my partner never even knew. He just thought the cinnamon smell was coming from my mouth as I had popped an Altoid right before we met. Altoids, they're not just for fresh breath!

You lost some pounds with that one, didn't you? Laughter! It has to be the best medicine.

Watch a comedy tonight and watch the positive effects. Your weight loss goal is here!

Love and hugs,


****************************************** Helping people fall in love....with themselves Tami Close Weight Loss Consultant 2916 N.W. Bucklin Hill Rd. #291 Silverdale, WA 98383 360-792-2209

Tami Close helps people fall in love...with themselves. She is a weight loss consultant and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight balancing program. She is a #1 best selling co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Are You Thinking Right for Weight Loss?

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Everyone knows that you lose weight if you eat fewer calories than you need each day. But if it were that simple there would not be such a problem with obesity in the Western world - we'd all have the key to weight loss. The problem is that so much to do with succeeding at weight loss rests in our heads and not our bodies. To succeed we need to get our heads working for us and not against us.

Ask yourself these ten questions to see if you are thinking in the right way to lose weight.

1. Have you decided to succeed?

Until you make a definite decision there will be no change to your actions. If you just dabble with "losing a few pounds" you're unlikely to get anywhere. Make a definite decision and stick to it.

2. Have you set a realistic target?

You need to know where you're going or you'll never know when you've arrived. What is your target weight and when do you plan to reach it? Plan on losing no more than a pound or two a week. If you set an impossibly high target you'll get discouraged as soon as it looks like you won't make it.

3. Do you believe your will succeed?

If you keep telling yourself you'll never do it, you won't. Look for reasons why this time will be different. Decide to do things differently to make it so!

4. Can you picture yourself at your new weight?

If you can see yourself in your mind's eye with your new slim figure, your subconscious will feel more comfortable with the changes you are making and you'll feel less like creeping back into your comfort zone.

5. Are you clear about your reasons for losing weight?

If you don't know why you're doing this, what will keep you going when the going gets tough? Make a list of all the benefits you will get from losing that weight and review it often.

6. Are you open to change?

The only sure thing is that if you keep on doing what you've always done you'll keep on getting what you've always got. So think about what you are prepared to change and change at a rate you are comfortable with.

7. Are you a friend to yourself?

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy by offering an endless stream of criticism rather than encouragement. Give yourself a pat on the back for everything you do well and accept any set-backs - just make sure you learn from your mistakes.

8. Are you patient with yourself?

Weight loss rarely happens on a straight path. You may find you lose a lot at the beginning as you often shed excess water then. You may hit one or more times where you lose hardly anything at all despite your best efforts. Nothing that was worth achieving was arrived at overnight. Just keep on keeping on.

9. Have you put your life on hold because of your size?

You only have one life so don't wait to get slim before you enjoy it. Whatever you want, go for it now, and let being slim be the icing on the cake. Goals don't suddenly become reality because you reach your target weight. Why wait? Make eating out of boredom a thing of the past.

10. Do you value yourself enough?

You are unique and very special whatever your size. You are not perfect and neither is anyone one else but you are perfectly human. Value your personality, your life, your ambitions, your skills and, yes, even your body that does so much for you despite all the abuse you give it with junk food and no exercise. Learn to respect yourself and your body and give yourself the care you so richly deserve.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan". Her system promotes permanent healthy and automatic weight loss through making small changes to your everyday habits. Get her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at TODAY!

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Weight Loss Rewards

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Rewarding yourself for weight loss success

If you are losing weight, it is easy to keep yourself motivated through a rewards system. You should be proud of your accomplishments and have a way to show your hard work.

Here are some great ideas to reward yourself with when you reach turning points in your weight loss goals, be it 5 pounds, 10 pounds or 100 pounds.

* A massage, Be nice to to your muscles for all the hard work they've done! Massages are relaxing and help to stimulate your circulation. So there are a number of health benefits as well. Not to mention the fact that you will feel like a new person afterwards. Expect to pay between $35-$100 for this service, depending on the length of massage. (Normally 30,60, or 90 minutes.

* A New Hairdo. You are coming out of your shell after all! Nothing boosts a persons self esteem more than a stylish head of hair. Consider highlights to lighten and brighten, or a perm to add lift and waves. If you have been hiding behind long hair, maybe a shorter cut for spring might be in order?

* A New Pair of shoes. Walk into the future with a new pair of kicks! And it wouldn't even be an excuse to buy another pair. Get whatever kind make you feel good. Tennis, Dress, Boots, Heels, or sandals are all great choices.

* A manicure. Take a moment to pamper your fingers and hands, they do the heavy lifing and hard work, after all. A fresh coat of nail polish makes your hands look finished and pretty.

* A new outfit. One that fits and compliments your unique sense of style. There is no reason to wear ill fitting clothes while you are losing weight. A new outfit,(whether it's just a pair of jeans and a new blouse) will make you feel better about your self image. You might also want to consider a slinky peice of lingerie that makes you feel sexy.

* Take a dream vacation. This might take some planning ahead of time to put together, but a vacation to somewhere you've wanted to see is a great motivation. If you choose a beach destination, you'll want to look good in your bathing suit. If you visit a location with lots of shopping or tours, having strong legs goes a long way.

* Buying yourself something you can use or you've wanted. Maybe you've been thinking about a new bike, or a new IPod to jam out to when you're working out. If it inspires you to keep on the right path to health and weight loss the couple hundred dollars spent on yourself is worth it. These items have a long shelf life, so you probably won't need to replace them anytime soon.

Rewards are a healthy way to keep yourself motivated without eating "treats" that might make you feel guilty later. They don't have to break the bank, but should be something that will make you feel proud of your accomplishments.

You have the power to do it!

 Heather McLaughlin invites you to visit A weight loss support forum. More weight loss information at:

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #1: Why Most Fail and Only a Few Succeed at Being Fit

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In the age of information, many of the principles of health and fitness have become all but common knowledge.

Nevertheless, there still is a very clear divide between those people who become successful and losing weight and/or staying fit and those who do not.

Why is that? And what can you do to improve your chances of being in the successful minority as opposed to the unsuccessful majority?

When it comes to the world of weight loss and being fit, there are generally two areas that help to determine what you can expect for your efforts.

- Genetic Factors
- Psychological Factors

Most of the information out there is geared around the Genetic factors and how to compensate for any natural shortcomings with a certain amount of physical activity and dieting.

One of the most popular topics along the lines of genetics is that of Body Type.

Anatomical body type is generally broken down into 3 basic groups: Ectomorphic, Mesomorphic, and Endomorphic.

Ectomorphic types are characterized as people with thin, up and down body frames who have the easiest time keeping their weight under control. Basketball players and runway models will often fit into this category.

Mesomorphic body types are characterized as people with athletic frames and generally muscular, well-proportioned bodies. Bodybuilders and dancers will often fit in here.

Endomorphic body types tend to be generally round figures and will often have the most trouble in keeping unwanted weight off of their bodies.

Most of us are combinations of two or more of these types with one being more dominant than the others.

One important note about these anatomical types is that while they may give some insight to how you look on the outside, they can deceive us as to how healthy you are internally. Many people who may be "thin" are literally decaying inside due to bad habits (poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise).

By contrast, there are many people who are not stereotypically thin, but are pictures of healthy due to healthy lifestyles (proper nutrition, physical activity).

The general role of knowing your body type is to get an explanation of how your body will tend to respond to your diet and lifestyle in terms of how easy or challenging it may be for you to "hold it together" in certain areas. Another way of classifying your body is by which of your hormone-producing glands dominates the way you process nutrients in the food you eat.

These Glandular ("metabolic") types will fall into one of 4 categories: Adrenal, Thyroidal, Pituitary, or Gonadal. The explanation of each is very similar to that of the anatomical body types above. The adrenal type tends to correspond with the mesomorphic anatomical type. The thyroidal is similar to the ectomorphic, and the pituitary to the endomorphic.

The gonadal type
is a women-only classification that is a hybrid of being slender on the top but somewhat larger below the waist with a greater amount of body fat. The gonadal body type among women is more commonly referred to as being "pear shaped".

There is a third type of body classification that you may come across that originated in Ancient India. It has to do with "Doshas" - how the energy fields of the earth and your physical mass interact to influence how you feel.

This is not directly related to the physical aspect of weight loss but tends to give you an idea on how what psychological advantages or challenges you may have when it comes to getting and staying fit.

This brings me to a major point of clarity in this article:

As valuable as all of the body type information may be to learning your body, it is not the "end all" that it is often marketed to be.

You are neither "guaranteed" to look and feel great nor "doomed" to be overweight and unhealthy simply based on your genetics and body classification. Body types should only be used to give you insight on what advantages or challenges that you may have in your quest for life-long fitness---not a life or death sentence that limits what you can achieve.

In reality, the Psychological factors related to how you look and feel are really where the rubber meets the road in weight loss and staying healthy and fit.

It is here that you will find the tools to overcome whatever physical challenges that you are faced with. Therefore, it is here where you absolutely focus the MAJORITY of your energy if you are become and stay successful with your health and fitness goals.

One thing that many people do not consider is how the knowledge of their "body type" and what that means affects their psychological outlook in the first place.

Many "fit" people who look great because they eat right and exercise do so because they already believe that they've "got something" that is valuable and maintained. Therefore, their healthy lifestyle is just a matter of course.

The importance of the effect that your outlook on your results cannot be ignored. To put it plainly, your outLOOK directly affects your outPUT.

If you don't happen to be one of those people who seem to "naturally" have it together when it comes to your body (or you have been before but have since lost the "magic"), then what you will need to do is simply tap into the strength of your own psyche to push you toward success.

There are 5 Key Steps that you need to follow in order to take advantage of your own reservoirs of power, drive, and confidence.

1. Self Acceptance

In order for ANY of this to work, you will want to either have or develop of certain level of self acceptance for your body and all of its great points as well as its weaknesses.

This doesn't mean that you have to be satisfied with yourself when you may be out of shape. What is DOES mean, however, is that you have to be "ok" with having YOUR "best body"---not someone else's.

2. Find the Keys to Your Own Motivation

Different things work for different people. While there may be 4 or 5 body types, there are even more different personality types. You may want to try several different types of motivational tools to see which one you respond to best for the results you want. Here are a few ideas of things to try:

- Having a workout/diet buddy (or buddies)
- Motivational books and tapes
- Imagining how you will look and feel when you reach YOUR personal best
- Thinking of the quality of life benefits of being healthy and fit

And there are tons more.

3. Setting Attainable Goals after You've Gotten #1 and #2 Firmly Under Your Belt

Most people try to simply pull random goals out of the sky. This can often lead to first failure then disappointment when issues with self acceptance are combined with a lack of understanding what motivates you.

4. Drown Yourself in Those Things that Motivate You

Once you've figured out what works for you, DROWN yourself in it! If it works, then work IT. Take full advantage of the #1 factor in successfully achieving weight loss and maintaining physical fitness.

5. Maintain Your Progress by Making Fitness a Lifestyle

As many of you know by now, I am NOT a fan of traditional diets. They simply do not work. More than anything else, it is your day-to-day lifestyle that will determine what results you get, and your psychological outlook is what either drives you to or pulls you away from the activities that form that lifestyle.

There is simply no reason on earth that you cannot be one of the "Successful" people when it comes to weight loss and fitness.

Educate yourself on your body's strengths and weaknesses, then develop a winning attitude by provided your psyche with effective motivation that it will respond to. That's the hardest part. And its very doable with the right information and coaching, which is why I came up with the YourBestBodyNOW web site and weight loss program for people just like you. The rest, as they say, is will be a cinch.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Weight Loss Diary Day 2

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Article 2. Weight loss diary.

Diary, Day 2, February 6 2006

- Stopped having newspapers delivered from yesterday. Today I walked into the village to pick up my newspaper. (A return distance of around 1.2 miles [1.9 kilometers].

- Decided that today will be a no bread day. This is the only food that I will give up in today?s weight loss program. I usually eat 4 ? 6 slices of wholegrain bread each day.

- Weighed in at 197 pounds (97.5 kilos).

- Breakfast was a bowl of cornflakes with two Tablespoons of fruit Muesli added. (This is a mixture of whole grains, nuts and dried fruits). Followed by a small carton of yogurt with some fresh fruit added (I used kiwi fruit today ? very high in vitamin C.) Plus a cup of lemon, green tea. (I?m only allowed 2 cups of coffee each week so I keep them for the weekend.) You could take milk or fruit juice if you prefer.

First problem: Around 11am I felt really hungry. This is to be expected because I usually eat a very big breakfast. Slight temptation to make a sandwich but I resisted it and had a small apple instead. After eating the apple I still felt hungry but resisted the temptation to eat more because I know that it takes 20 minutes for the message from my stomach to reach my brain.

- Obviously the wait was worthwhile because it is now almost 1pm and I haven?t thought about food since eating the apple.

- 1pm. Lunch: This is a challenge because I like a sandwich for lunch but today is no bread. I have a 3 ounce (85 grams)piece of cheddar cheese, coarsely grated carrot, lettuce a sprinkling of pine nuts with a glass of water. (I like water but you can drink what you prefer - providing it isn't fizzy) A banana and an apple follow this.

- Time for a walk. Immediately after lunch I take a 15-minute walk. The plan is to increase my pulse rate for a very short period by 40% to 50%. Placing your right wrist into your left hand and finding the pulse with your fingers can check pulse rate. Count how many beats in six seconds; add a zero and this will give you beats per minute before you start. Check when you are midway through your walk and it should have risen by 40%-50%. Then slow down and return home.

- At the end of the walk I take another large glass of water.

Dinner is my main meal but if you can make it lunch this is much healthier. My dinner consisted of:

- Fillet steak, about ? pound (110 grams), baked potato (done in the microwave), chili asparagus and salad. I drank a glass of red wine with it and my usual glass of water later.

- Dessert was a nectarine and peach ? both fresh because they are in season here in Australia right now.

- After dinner I took another short walk (about 10 minutes.)

Today hasn?t been difficult to get through and I know that the first day of any diet is the toughest.

This article is copyright ? David McCarthy 2006. This article may be reproduced in its entirety with no additions.

 David McCarthy is a prolific article writer on all matters concerning food, recipes, health, diet and fitness. This is the second diary article that invites you to join him on a quest to lose 17 pounds without giving up any food that you like. You can catch up with him at

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #2: The Importance of Calcium in a Woman's Diet

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Recently I published an article about the importance of exercise in fighting against the bone-brittling disease osteoporosis.

There are actually 3 primary factors that may put someone at risk for osteoporosis---women in particular:

- lack of calcium
- hormonal deficiency (estrogen in particular)
- lack of physical activity

So in addition to exercise and hormonal factors, a woman's diet is extremely important in guarding off this very debilitating condition.

One of the reason's why we do not recommend most traditional diet plans and programs is because the over-restrictive eating guidelines often eliminate or seriously limit the consumption of some very necessary vitamins and minerals that keep the body healthy and strong.

You never want to get to a point where you are sacrificing health merely to lose weight. In fact, any weight loss program worth half its salt will make sure that the recommendations made for your daily diet intake are well balanced and full of all the nutrients that you need.

The most important time to get an appropriate amount of calcium is between the ages of 14 and 24, when peak bone mass is obtained. Then after that bone continues to develop until about age 35 to 40, at which time the bone mass that a woman has will strongly determine how much at risk she may be for bone fractures in her later years.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that women intake 1,000 mg (1g) of calcium daily, and then increase their daily dosage to 1,500 mg (1.5g) post menopause.

Sadly, only an estimated 25% of women in any age group consume the recommended daily amount of calcium to guard against osteoporosis. And when they go on diets and weight loss programs, they tend to consume even less.

Lowfat dairy prodcuts such as milk (skim milk is a better option), yogurt, and cottage cheese are all excellent sources of dietary calcium. For those who are lactose intolerant or who wish to generally stay away from dairy products, non-dairy alternatives fortified with calcium will do as long as they contined the recommended daily allowance (RDA). The nondairy product Lactaid added to lowfat and nonfat milk may also work to help you meet your desired goal.

In your efforts to lose weight, make sure that the weight loss program that you use includes calcium-rich food choices. And if it does, you will need to add them yourself. No matter what weight loss program you are on or what other means you use to lose weight, here are some good ideas recommended by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) that you may add to your daily diet in order to get the amount of calcium you need while you lose the weight.

- Prepare canned soup with skim milk instead of water
- Add nonfat dry milk to soups, stews, and casseroles
- Add grated lowfat cheese to salads, tacos, and pasta dishes
- Eat yogurt as a snack, or use it to make low-calorie dressings
- Choose calcium-rich desserts, suhc as lowfat cheese and fruit, frozen nonfat or lowfat yogurt, and puddings made with skim milk
- Drink hot chocolate in the winter made with skim milk

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #3: The Importance of Iron in a Woman's Diet

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One of the biggest weaknesses of the traditional commercial diet is the lack of iron that exists in its stringent and often excessively limited eating guidelines. In order to lose weight, many unsuspecting women get bamboozled into taking part in weight loss programs that cut out many of the nutrients that they need. Iron is one of the primary casualties of such diets and weight loss plans.

The plot thickens for women in particular due to the fact that their bodies regularly lose iron during menstruation. Therefore, eating a low-calorie, low-iron diet in an effort to lose weight only makes the problem more severe.

It is generally suggested that women supplement their diets with an iron supplement such as the Vitality multivitamin offered by Melaleuca, the Wellness Company. This is particularly important during periods of heavy exercise and training that are typical aspects of any weight loss program or general effort to lose weight even when a special program is not in use.

One thing to be on guard for, however, is excessive iron supplementation by iron-deficient (non-anemic) women. There is a disorder known as hemosiderosis which results from large deposits of iron made in the liver that causes a glitch in the proper metabolism of the iron itself. Avoiding prolonged large doses will eliminate the risk of this particular disorder.

Below are a few recommendations from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) that will help you to make sure you get the adequate amount of iron intake in your daily diet, whether on a program to lose weight or not:

- Eat foods with a high vitamin C content with all meals. Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron. (examples: salsa; chili peppers; oranges)

- Include dark meat chick and/or turkey in the training diet. Both of these are rich in iron

- Vegetable proteins such as split pea soup or chili beans with lean meat help the iron in those meats to properly absorb

- When eating starchy carbohydrates such as cereals, breads, and pastas, gravitate to those labeled "enriched" or "fortified" for their higher iron content.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #3: Moderate Drinking May Help You With Weight Loss

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE




The connection between moderate drinking and avoiding heart disease is pretty much old news to most of us at this point.

But now, experts are saying that those of us who have 1-2 drinks a few times a week are less likely to become obese than non drinkers.

Finally! A Weight Loss "Do and Don't" that we can have some fun with!

Not too much fun though.

Those of us who consume 4 or more drinks daily are a whopping 46% more likely to be obese, research says. The connection between moderate drinking and avoiding heart disease is pretty much old news to most of us at this point.

This new information was based on a study of over 8,000 people conducted by Dr. James Rohrer of the Mayo Clinic and Dr. Ahmed Arif, from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

"We don't want to give people the wrong impression"...says Rohrer..."We certainly don't want to recommend that nondrinkers become drinkers just to control their weight".

If you're a non-drinker---don't panic.

The odds for moderate drinkers are only .73% better than nondrinkers for staying thin. The main message here is that a few drinks consumed socially isn't anything to worry about if that's your M.O.

Some experts don't completely agree with these findings. Dr. David L. Katz, Director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center, says that the slight reduciton in obesity risk may very well be attributed to additional healthy behaviors unrelated to drinking.

"Many health-conscious people have a daily drink because of the widely touted health benefits; it may be a constellation of behaviors in such people that lead to weight control"...says Katz..."This would produce the appearance of a weight-control benefit from moderate drinking, but it would be illusory."

Well here's my 2 cents on the matter:

As mentioned above, I feel that the primary takeaway from this research is that responsible, moderate drinkers need not be alarmed at the implications of drinking on their weight loss.

Though the overall trend presented here makes sense to me, I am a slight bit skeptical of the percentages given for risk levels.

My suspiscion comes from the fact that body mass index, or BMI, was used as a measure of obesity. As I mention in my program, BMI is not the best determination of true obesity. Its measurements, though useful, are not accurate enough to be followed to the letter---certainly not for coming up with percentages in a medical research study.

So if you choose to drink, do it moderately and responsibly. And if you don't choose to do so, that's o.k. too. WHATEVER you choose to do, make sure you're eating right and exercising daily!

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #4 Protecting Your Spine and Lower Back While You Lose Weight

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When most people begin a Weight Loss program or diet plan so that they can tone up and/or lose weight, the often forget about THE most important aspect of any exercise and diet program: Safety.

Although there are numerous ways in which exercising safely is beneficial to you, one of the most important and the least observed is concerning the spine and lower back.

There is nothing inherently wrong with spinal movement. However, problems tend to arise over time as a result of holding static positions such as sitting or standing with bad posture or not using proper body mechanics for lifting objects over a period of months and/or years.

Due to the above factors, a very large portion of the population eventually develops one form or another of complications with their lower spine and back.

Here are some ways that you can protect your lower back and spine area from injury and strain while exercising to tone up and lose weight:

- Avoid bending over and lifting objects with your back muscles

This is a common habit that wears down on the spine and lower back area by placing more tension on the area than it should be handling. As an alternative, bend fully at the kness when picking up objects of any significant weight and use the power of your larger, much stronger leg muscles to carry the majority of the weight load and give your lower back and spine a break.

- Strengthen your abdominal muscles for additional back support

The abdominal muscles are antagonist to the lower back, meaning that they stabilize movement at the back by providing a force in the opposite direction. They also have the potential to significantly reduce or even stop a force made on the back if they are strong enough.

Either way you slice it watching out for your spine is a crucial part of your weight loss program in that it keeps your body in good enough condition to continue your plan to help you tone and lose weight effectively.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Weight Loss Tip #5: Trim Down Your Waist to Avoid Heart Attack

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A recent global study has come to some pretty alarming conclusions about the link between your waist-to-hip ratio and the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

How does waist-to hip ratio (WHR) work? Well, if your waist and hips are exactly the same circumference, you have a ration of 1 to 1 (1:1).

If your waist is smaller than your hips, the ratio will go down. For example, if your waist is only half as big around as your hips, the it changes to 1 to 2, or 1:2.

If the opposite is true, and your waist is twice as big as your hip area, the ratio goes up to 2 to 1, or 2:1.

Apparently, having a waist to hip ratio of 1:1 or more greatly increases your chances of suffering from a potentially fatal dysfunction of the heart.

A recent global study has come to some pretty alarming conclusions about the link between your waist-to-hip ratio and the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

How does waist-to hip ratio (WHR) work? Well, if your waist and hips are exactly the same circumference, you have a ration of 1 to 1 (1:1).

If your waist is smaller than your hips, the ratio will go down. For example, if your waist is only half as big around as your hips, the it changes to 1 to 2, or 1:2.

If the opposite is true, and your waist is twice as big as your hip area, the ratio goes up to 2 to 1, or 2:1.

Apparently, having a waist to hip ratio of 1:1 or more greatly increases your chances of suffering from a potentially fatal dysfunction of the heart.

Check your waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

Being in a state of obesity makes the threat many times worse. Currently there are more than 300 million obese people worldwide.

An obese person is generally regarded as somewhat with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more.

Find out your body mass index (BMI)

What makes this issue so tricky is that some people will have a natural advantage with their WHR based on their genetic body type and shape.

Women with small waists and curvy hips will have the easiest time managing this ratio, while both men and women who have large midsections will have the most difficult time managing it.

Regardless of sex or body type, what is important for you to know is that you must do everything you can to keep your waist size down, down, DOWN!

In addition to heart attack, the WHR has been linked to determining your general risk of developing chronic diseases. It represents one of the many reasons why weight loss has so much more to offer you than a just a sexy body (all though it does come with that!)

The Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program teaches you not just how to lose weight but how to improve your entire lifestyle to make weight control and WAIST control simple and easy.

You only get one chance at life. Take care of it by living healthy and fit.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #6: Using Antioxidants in Your Weight Loss Program

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If you're smart, you should not only be focused on your goal to lose weight but to maximize your weight loss program to its full extent by getting some health benfits out of it as well, and make them priority #1.

One of the health benefits you should be aiming for as you lose weight should be getting a good daily dosage of antioxidants while on your weight loss plan and even afterward while in maintainence mode.

Just a few short years ago, the average person had never even heard of an antioxidant, let alone could actually tell you what one was.

Now, antioxidants are one of the biggest buzz words in health and fitness. Nearly every other product on the market claims to be chuck full of them. So what are they? REALLY? And what's so darn good about them that it creates such hoopla?

Simply put, antioxidants fight to help eliminate the body of one of its most dangerous internal enemies---free radicals. "Free Radical" is the layman's term for an oxygen atom that has been split in half so that it only has one electron as opposed to the two that it is supposed to have.

These split particles are constantly being made in the body, and if they are left unchecked, they can cause a myriad of problems. One such problem is to bump into and damage the internal tissues of the body's organs and systems.

A second problem is to attached themselves to molecules within the body and throw of the chemical balance within us, setting off chemical chain reactions and causing health problems while multiplying more and more new free radical particles from these reactions.

Damage from free radicals has been proven to contribute to such common and deadly illnesses as atherosclerosis, cancer, quickening the aging process, and eye cataracts.

There are currently 3 vitamins and 2 minerals that have been identified to have antioxidant properties:

- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- beta carotene

- Sulfur
- Selenium

As you embark on your weight loss program, remember that your goal is not only to lose weight, but to gain optimum health. Weight loss itself is just an added benefit of being a wholistically healthy person.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

About the Author

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.#BREAK#

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #7: When You Hang Around Dogs, You Get Fleas

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Can you remember the last few times you completely gorged on food that you KNEW was making you fat?

Were you alone? And if not, who were you with?

More than likely, you were pigging out with the same person or group of people that you have no doubt done this with on more than one if not many occassions.

One of the things that I teach in the Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program is that a regular "treat" is actually a healthy thing to keep you mentally in the game of weight loss.

At the same time, we can all tend to go overboard with this when we are in "certain company". Whether that company be friends, a significant other, or co-workers, it can be difficult to not give into the pressure and go along with whatever fattening food they may want you to indulge in with them.

Can you remember the last few times you completely gorged on food that you KNEW was making you fat?

Were you alone? And if not, who were you with?

More than likely, you were pigging out with the same person or group of people that you have no doubt done this with on more than one if not many occassions.

One of the things that I teach in the Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program is that a regular "treat" is actually a healthy thing to keep you mentally in the game of weight loss.

At the same time, we can all tend to go overboard with this when we are in "certain company". Whether that company be friends, a significant other, or co-workers, it can be difficult to not give into the pressure and go along with whatever fattening food they may want you to indulge in with them.

So how can you get a grip on the situation?

One word---CONTROL.

Now, when I mention this "control", I'm not talking about the strict, cast-iron stomach type that has you to stick to your celery and fruit even in the midst of your favorite pizza or pastry. If you had THAT, you wouldn't be pigging out in the first place, right?

What I'm referring to is much easier, because you don't have to do it all alone.

This type of control is not just over yourself, but is exercised on your environment. It works by simply letting everyone around you know that you are participating in weight loss---not just for aesthetics, but for your health, and sincerely ask for their help.

Some people in your life will be resistant to your change at first. However, with time and consistency you will see them develop a respect for you that will make them want to HELP you eat the right thing so that you reach your weight loss goals.

This doesn't mean that you'll never enjoy your favorite decadant food with friends or loved ones again, but it does help you to not fall into a revolving door of poor food choices by giving in to every bad-for-you treat that is placed before you.

Then, when you do get around to indulging, you can do so guiltlessly because you've exercised the CONTROL to stay on the weight loss straight and narrow---most of the time.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #8: Have Your Cake and Burn it Off Too

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



With Christmas less than a week away, the holiday season is almost over, but the holiday EATING for most people will last for nearly another month.

I could try and tell you how to not eat anything but lettuce and fruit while the rest of the family is enjoying succulent hams, delicious cakes, and scrumptious pies; but that would be a waste of time, wouldn't it?

Besides, if you've been "good" all year with your eating habits (haven't you?), why shouldn't you get to enjoy some of that wonderful holiday food?

But what about your weight?

Your waistline?

I can show you how to manage that. The trick is to not get so carried away with all that food that all your weight loss and fitness efforts go down the tube.

How is that done?

It's pretty simple, actually. Just like any successful undertaking in life, it all comes down to a few rules that are geared toward helping you reach your goal. Keeping yourself together after sampling a veritable feast is no different.

In this case, there are just a few things you need to keep in mind and follow:

1) Don't munch yourself into a coma day after day. Choose 3 or 4 designated days through the REST of the season to "do your thing" at the table, and practice restraint on the rest.

2) On your big eating days, plan a morning cardio workout that is about an hour long. Why an hour? Sixty minutes of cardiovascular activity at the start of your day will keep your metabolism elevated well into the afternoon. It doesn't matter what you do---the gym, walking around the block, jogging with the dog---whatever. Just plan to do an hour of SOMETHING on each of those mornings.

3) Don't eat anything before your workouts. Just jump right into them with a bottle of water and don't allow yourself to be too interrupted until you are done. This will help you to get the most out of shedding some of the fat that is already stored on your body to give you a "head start" on the day's festivities.

4) This one is optional, but can make a difference if you stick to it. If you know that you just aren't going to be able to resist all those wonderful cakes and pies, try eating them with your entree's and pass on all or most of the starchy sides.

Remember, the goal here is not so much to lose weight, but to BREAK EVEN.

All you want to do is SURVIVE so that you don't blow up like a house and derail all of the work that you may have done up unto this point.

If you have any questions, feel free to email them to me at

Happy Holidays!

To Your Best Body,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Read this Weight Loss Article at

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #9: Don't be a New Year's Casualty!

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I got so caught up in this year's fitness goals that I completely forgot about something that I usually brace myself for this time of year.

But no sooner had I stepped into my gym a week or two ago than I was sharply reminded of it.

Reminded of what?, you may ask.

The New Year's Resolution crowd.

They come every year like snowbirds to Florida; they're so predictable, that I can literally set my watch by them at the stroke of midnight each New Year's Eve.

And they're so easy to tell from everyone else, too. They show up in January in flocks and droves so thick that there is literally a line in front of every piece of equipment at the gym.

Then around mid to late March they start disappearing one by one like game birds being picked off by hunters. By April, they're pretty much all gone.

These seasonal "birds" are the joke of the gym every hunting season.

The question is, will YOU be one of them?

Because you certainly don't have to be. Everyone who's in shape now was once someone who was just getting started or getting back on the horse after "letting themselves go" a bit. So getting a fresh start is nothing to be ashamed about.

In fact, it should be applauded. Getting started new and fresh means that you have stepped up to the plate to do something that so many people at home just are not willing to do for themselves.

The trick is not to let it all end just as quickly as it started.

I'll give you the secret to being the last man or woman standing when everyone else has "flown back north" because they couldn't hack it.

Set your weight loss and fitness goals NOW. Make them as specific as possible. The dress or waist size you want, your perfect weight, the outfit you want to wear, the reaction you want to get. Write it all out.

Studies have shown that written goals are more than twice as likely to become reality than those that are not.

Then when you go in the gym, forget about everybody else. You heard me right---EVERYBODY.

Don't pay any attention to those toned physiques that look like they must have taken years to put together. Pay no mind to the show-off in the corner doing some fancy upside-down exercise with chains, ropes, and 2 machines. They aren't your concern.

Its all about you.

Your body. Your goals. Your workout. Your results.

Go ahead and take that "before" picture. Look at it everyday as you work away from the old and toward the new you.

If you can just make it through the first few months you've greatly increased your chances of being around for the long haul.

Don't cheat yourself by being on of this year's gym casulties.

...And if you can't make it to a gym, that's all the better. Do the YourBestBodyNOW 15 Minute Workout at home and find a place close to home to get in your cardio.

The only thing that can keep you away from your goals is you.

Don't allow that to happen.

Start this year strong and dig as deep as you can to make sure that you keep it up until you get exactly what you want. You can do it, I know you can.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Read this Weight Loss Article at

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Weight Loss and Exercise in Tough Environmental Conditions

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Working out is working out, right?


Depending on the environmental conditions where you live, there may be extra precautions that you'll want to consider when trying to lose weight by following a healthy diet and weight loss program.

High Altitudes

High altitude environments have less available oxygen then those closer to sea level. One of the effects of such altitude is that the heart must beat faster in order to do the job of delivering oxygen to the muscle tissues both while active and at rest.

Depending on the specific altitude and corresponding acitivity, heart rates may soar as high as 50% above normal. Also, side effects like hyperventilation, dizziness, insomnia, weakness, headache, and irratability are also common in such an environment.

Because of these possible outcomes, people who exercise in high altitudes will definitely want to consult a local physician for clearance before beginning their weight loss exercise program, and may want to lower the intensity of their weight loss cardiovascular activity---especially if they are beginners.

People living in high altitudes will also want to get medical clearance before trying any diet pills, diet patch, or any other weight loss product(s) that may elevate the heart rate to eliminate risk of more complicated health concerns.

Exercising in Extreme Heat

Under normal circumstances, the body's temperature is at or around 98?. In areas that have very high temperatures (around 100? or more), the body must adjust to maintain the proper temperature by transferring some of its heat back into the environment.

The primary result of this reaction is that he heart rate will be higher than normal, similar to the effect of being in high altitudes. To best aid the body in maintaining its normalcy under such conditions, make sure to drink 3 to 6 oz. of water for every 10 to 15 minutes of weight loss activity and allowing as much sweat to evaporate as possible. It is also important to wear as close to 100% cotton garments as well as stray away from rubberized or water-proof garments that will prevent sweat evaporation. Light colors should also be worn.

Exercising in the Cold

To the surprise as many, water replenishment is just as important in the cold as it is in much warmer environments.

The fact of the matter is that water is lost as vapor as inhaled during cardiovascular exercise and other activities that help you to ultimately lose weight. There is also a risk of losing too much body heat once you are done exercising.

To best be prepared to exercise in order to lose weight fast while living in cold environments, make sure to dress in layers to insulate body heat and drink plenty of water. Also wear a hat to limit the amount of body heat that escapes through the head, which is where most body heat is lost from.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss article on

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Weight Loss Motivation: Mastering the Motivation to Stay Fit

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Have you ever just felt like you were doing everything you were supposed to in order to lose weight and STILL weren't dropping the pounds?

During her journey to lose 40lbs in 16 weeks, my good friend Kim faced some pretty serious challenges with regards to her level of motivation.

Another friend of mine, Antonio Goodwin, who lost 4 inches from his waistline in 9 weeks with my program, faced the same frustration.

The problem was that at several times during their weight loss, they both felt as if they were not losing much weight and were not seeing results.

Now, a look at either of their before and after photos on my web sites shows that each of them made quite a substantial improvement in their bodies.

So what would make someone who's losing weight each week feel as if they were not?

I'll tell you exactly what. Its referred to as the <u>emotional roller coaster</u>.

This is how it usually goes:

You start a new diet or weight loss program. You're all excited to be doing something great for your health and the way you look, and you're sticking to the program, step by step.

Consistent action pays off and after a short while you start getting compliments about the pounds you're losing week by week.

Then all of a sudden, it all seems to stop. You can no longer see the physical changes in your body, and maybe you even have a moment of weakness and cheat a bit on your diet plan. So now you're frustrated and mildly depressed. You feel as if true weight loss may NEVER happen for you, no matter what you do.


The trick here is to not get stuck in your own frustration.

Now this is a tough one, because everyone and I do mean EVERYONE goes through this stage. Whenever I need to trim down for a photo shoot, I go through it as well.

One of the things that you must understand about the body is that for as long as you are doing the right things on a consistent basis it WILL respond with results.

The Jedi Mind Trick is that oftentimes the progress is subtle, or may be primarily taking place in an area that you cannot see as well.

For instance, my friend Kim loses weight in her back the fastest. Her frustration came because she did not see the fat loss on her stomach the way she would have liked to. Little did she know that from behind she looked like a completely different person.

Listen, the emotional roller coaster is an inevitable aspect of any worthy undertaking that we take on in life. Remember getting through college? Or maybe waiting for puberty to set in? How about paying off your debts? The mental battle while attempting to diet and/or achieve weight loss is no different.

So make a conscious decision to stick to your guns. Let it play out. Victory lies in having the strength to make it through the rough spots without cracking under the pressure and losing all that you've worked for. If you can just master getting past the point of frustration, before you know it you'll be seeing results again and getting more compliments.

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

See this Weight Loss article on

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Weight Loss Tip #11: What's Stopping You From Weight Loss?

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One of my favorite success quotes talks about having a single, overriding objective and making everything else in life bend towards helping you to attain that objective.

Well I've got a challenge for you.

I am literally daring you to make your weight loss goals the single, overriding objective to which you will make other things bend this month.

Am I asking you to put your weight loss absolutely first? Before Family? Before Work?

Certainly not!

Of course there will always be things in your life that will be more important to you than this.

However, I do believe that the list of things more important than your own weight loss and fitness is a short one. I also believe that even many things that are more important can be modified to help accommodate this part of your life.

There's also a point to be made that without your health, nothing else matters anyway.

I mean think about it. Obesity is either a root cause or an aid in almost every major deadly disease and condition. I think that calls for your fitness and weight loss program to be just a bit of a top priority.

Wouldn't you agree?

I thought so.

Now if you haven't been prioritizing your program I don't want you to go beating up on yourself. That's not what this is about.

Instead of dwelling on what you may not have done, put in some extra effort this month to find ways to make SURE that you are making the time and resources available to yourself that you need to stay in shape.

1. Schedule Your Exercising, Keeping it Simple and Easy

This sounds oh, so simple. But you wouldn't believe how many people I talk to who "try" to get a workout in "if they can get around to it", and never do.

Look, the reality is that most busy people these days will not be able to get to the gym or even be able to workout at home every day. And the good news is that you don't have to.

Get out your planner and really take a hard look at your schedule. If nothing else, you will need to find 3 to 5 days in a week that you can set aside at least 30 minutes for some cardio. Of course you will get better results with 5 days, but it is more important that you are doing something than doing a lot.

Try to plan activities that are easily accessible and even fun if you can. A cardio funk class at a gym that's near by. Jogging while you walk the dog around the neighborhood. Sticking your favorite cardio DVD into the player and "working it out".

Do whatever is easy, simple, and hopefully fun. You want to set yourself up for success, so don't try and complicate the issue.

2. Plan Your Grocery Shopping for Weight Loss

Create a "master list" of all of the healthy foods that you'll need to get through the week eating healthy. Go and get them all at once and them stock them at home.

This way, you will always have healthy food options that will help you in your weight loss goals.

You also won't be caught off guard with the "munchies" and nothing to snack on in the house but your children's (or significant other's!) junk food. You can also plan to take certain snacks to work with you that can help you stay away from the temptations of doughnut-and-pizza-peddling co-workers.

3. Take Advantage of Weekend Time

The fact of the matter is that for most people, the weekend is the only time when they have complete control over what they do during the day. Why not take advantage of this time to make sure you get in a little jog or some aerobics or even biking in the morning or afternoon when you are having some down time?

Look at it this way: you'll be knocking out 2 days of workouts before the week even begins. Then, based on your personal program, you will only have to worry about doing it again 1,2, or 3 days.

This will go a long way to take some pressure off of you so that you won't feel like you failed just because you got busy for a day or two and truly just could not get around to doing anything for your body.

Using this tactics will go along way in making sure that you are able to stick with your program and not quit---even during times when your schedule is hectic and keeping up is rough.

4. One Day at a Time

Most people won't tell you this, but having the discipline to stay in shape---especially in the eating department---is something that usually is gradual and takes some time.

And I know this from personal experience.

It actually took me a year or two before I could really stick to a diet and exercise plan without fouling it all up. And to be honest, it is still a challenge even for me.

Therefore, there is absolutely no reason why should feel defeated if you mess up on any given day. Just get back on the horse and commit to yourself that you'll get it the right the next; and then the next; and then the next. And when you slip up again. Get over it quickly and do better the next day.

I know this all sounds pretty simplistic. That's because it really is simple.

What makes it so challenging is that ugly four-syllabal word called C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y. Its what separate people who achieve from those who don't in virtually any endeavor.

But the bottom line of it all is that if the days that you do the right things far out way the days you do the wrong things, you will be truly successful in the end.

And yes, it really is that simple.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Read this Weight Loss Article at

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weight Loss Diary, Day 1

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



Weight Loss Day by Day Diary:

Day 1: Sunday February 5, 2006.

In response to an email I received from a reader I have taken up her suggestion to share my next weight control program by publishing my weight loss diary in article form for everybody to follow.

I?ll start with a few personal details that will give you a guideline to make comparisons with your own progress.

- My height is a fraction over 6 feet. (1.83m)
- My current weight is 197 pounds (97.5 kilos)
- My target weight is 180 pounds (89 kilos.)
- My age is 65.
- My physical condition is basically sound but I do suffer from osteo-arthritis in both ankles. The left is severe the right isn?t much of a problem.

I guess the reason for coming clean on those personal details is to make the point that age or physical condition is a factor. Younger, fitter people will find this easier.

I have used this system to control my weight for close to thirty years now and it has never let me down. I use a very scientific measuring gauge known as a waistband. When it gets tight I need to lose some weight, when it goes slack I go back to my normal routine. Usually I only allow my weight to go over by 10 pounds (4.5 kilos) before taking action. This year it has soared due to a very busy January that flew past so quickly I barely noticed it leaving my Christmas weight gain to get worse. Now I have to lose 17 pounds (7.65 kilos) and that is what makes it more interesting and worth sharing the experience with you.

You will notice from the above paragraph I have no doubt that I will lose it and this is an important part of the weight loss mindset. If this is the first time you have attempted this system you will have to complete the first few goals to prove that you can do it; after that you will have the same degree of confidence that I have.

The first thing I must do is set goals. Adherence to and achievement of goals is the basic difference between winners and losers. Here I must be honest and tell you that 17 pounds seems like a mountain to me and I know that it will take me 17 weeks to successfully dispose of it. Hence I will not even look at losing 17 pounds as my initial goal. My goals are listed below:

- At the end of week 1 I will have abided by my goal of dropping one item of food from my diet each day without cheating. I will lose one pound (450 grams)

- By the end of week 2 I will have increased my walking/exercise periods from 10 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday to 12 minutes each session. I will have lost 2 pounds.

- By the end of February I will exercise Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for 15 minutes each time. My weight will be 194 pounds (96 kilos)

That is enough for now: I will update my goals as I go along. As you can see my weight loss goals are simple and within reach without too much effort. Why? Because we must all start training our minds to achieve our goals. If I set a goal to lose 10 pounds in one week and I only lose eight I will look upon myself as a loser and soon give up. To be of use goals must be achievable or they will soon cease to function for us. - I have entered my first three goals in my diary and tomorrow we start in earnest.

You can follow this diary via RSS, your favorite article site or at my website in the news blogs section.

This article is copyright ? David McCarthy 2006.

: David McCarthy takes up the challenge of a reader and shares his weight loss diary as he attempts to lose 17 pounds in the next 17 weeks. You are invited to join him in this quest and compare your results. Other articles by this author can be published in their entirety with no additions from:

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Weight Loss Diary, Day 1

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



Weight Loss Day by Day Diary:

Day 1: Sunday February 5, 2006.

In response to an email I received from a reader I have taken up her suggestion to share my next weight control program by publishing my weight loss diary in article form for everybody to follow.

I?ll start with a few personal details that will give you a guideline to make comparisons with your own progress.

- My height is a fraction over 6 feet. (1.83m)
- My current weight is 197 pounds (97.5 kilos)
- My target weight is 180 pounds (89 kilos.)
- My age is 65.
- My physical condition is basically sound but I do suffer from osteo-arthritis in both ankles. The left is severe the right isn?t much of a problem.

I guess the reason for coming clean on those personal details is to make the point that age or physical condition is a factor. Younger, fitter people will find this easier.

I have used this system to control my weight for close to thirty years now and it has never let me down. I use a very scientific measuring gauge known as a waistband. When it gets tight I need to lose some weight, when it goes slack I go back to my normal routine. Usually I only allow my weight to go over by 10 pounds (4.5 kilos) before taking action. This year it has soared due to a very busy January that flew past so quickly I barely noticed it leaving my Christmas weight gain to get worse. Now I have to lose 17 pounds (7.65 kilos) and that is what makes it more interesting and worth sharing the experience with you.

You will notice from the above paragraph I have no doubt that I will lose it and this is an important part of the weight loss mindset. If this is the first time you have attempted this system you will have to complete the first few goals to prove that you can do it; after that you will have the same degree of confidence that I have.

The first thing I must do is set goals. Adherence to and achievement of goals is the basic difference between winners and losers. Here I must be honest and tell you that 17 pounds seems like a mountain to me and I know that it will take me 17 weeks to successfully dispose of it. Hence I will not even look at losing 17 pounds as my initial goal. My goals are listed below:

- At the end of week 1 I will have abided by my goal of dropping one item of food from my diet each day without cheating. I will lose one pound (450 grams)

- By the end of week 2 I will have increased my walking/exercise periods from 10 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday to 12 minutes each session. I will have lost 2 pounds.

- By the end of February I will exercise Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for 15 minutes each time. My weight will be 194 pounds (96 kilos)

That is enough for now: I will update my goals as I go along. As you can see my weight loss goals are simple and within reach without too much effort. Why? Because we must all start training our minds to achieve our goals. If I set a goal to lose 10 pounds in one week and I only lose eight I will look upon myself as a loser and soon give up. To be of use goals must be achievable or they will soon cease to function for us. - I have entered my first three goals in my diary and tomorrow we start in earnest.

You can follow this diary via RSS, your favorite article site or at my website in the news blogs section.

This article is copyright ? David McCarthy 2006.

About the Author: David McCarthy takes up the challenge of a reader and shares his weight loss diary as he attempts to lose 17 pounds in the next 17 weeks. You are invited to join him in this quest and compare your results. Other articles by this author can be published in their entirety with no additions from:


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Friday, May 2, 2008

Exercise and Weight Loss Tip #1: Why Behind-the-Neck-Exercises Are Bad For You

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



Please don't be like me!

Several years ago I was warned to stay away from behind-the-neck exercises and movements, and do you think I listened? Of course not.

And as a result, I acquired a rotator cuff injury that slowly gets worse and worse over time.

It is often said that it is much smarter to learn from the mistakes of others than to have to suffer the consequences yourself. I'd say that I agree with that.

Just in case you are not quite sure what a "rotator cuff" is, its a handy little muscle on the back of your shoulder that literally helps your arm to "rotate" around the shoulder socket.

For most people, this muscle is not supposed to rotate far enough to take the arms too far behind the head.

Behind the neck exercises not only pull this muscle to the edge of its natural range, but often have additional weight resistance involved that cause even more stress to the area.

If this is done repetitively over time, the muscle will often get injured. Another thing that may happen is that it will become inflammed and swell to the point where the bone around it pinches the muscle. Both conditions are chronic, painful, and should be avoided at all costs.

So, if there are any behind-the-neck movements in your current workout, you will want to find more shoulder-friendly alternatives. And if such an exercise is ever recommended to you by a friend or exercise program, ask or look for a better alternative immediately.

You only get one body! Take care of it.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Read this Exercise and Weight Loss Article at

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Weight Loss Diet - Eat to Lose Weight

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



More than deadlines to meet and clients to satisfy, the pressure to look good is far more intense these days. Women hanker after hourglass figures and men need to be Greek Gods. It is no wonder that every second person on the street is on a weight loss diet. Weight loss diet is the topic of conversation in public places, private parties, on buses and cabs, by the beach and the dinner table.

Before you plunge in to any form of weight loss diet, few issues need to be sorted out. Embarking on a diet to lose weight doesn't mean indiscriminate slashing of calories. It is true that you need to cut down on the calories but at the same time, you cannot compromise on your nutritional intake.

There are representatives from all the food groups in an ideal weight loss diet plan to ensure that all forms of nutrients enter your body. So there are actually not many don'ts in a weight loss diet. However, you need to steer clear of junk, fried and fast foods, chocolates, candies, cakes and aerated drinks.

Proteins form the building blocks of your body and as much they form the prime ingredient in any lose weight diet plan. One gram of protein per pound of body weight is recommended for every individual whether you lead an active or sedentary life. Meats, sea fish, milk and egg whites are good protein sources.

Any weight loss diet plan will advise you to go green. Fruits and vegetables abound in minerals and vitamins and are low on calories too. Gorging on them will make you healthy, without making your calorie intake spiral out of control.

While harping on the theme of a weight loss diet, a myth needs to be expounded. All fats are not bad. Fishes and nuts are excellent sources of good fats.

Open any newspaper or magazine and you will find a weight loss diet plan peeking at you from every nook and cranny. But most overlook the role of water.

Water is life and in your diet to lose weight, water should be the backbone. Water flushes out the toxins from your body and revitalizes you. Deprive yourself of water and you will soon find your entire mental as well as physical states in shambles.

In essence, a weight loss diet plan counsels having all types of food, but moderation should be the key. Gorging and starving are equally bad. Mix and match your foods so that your taste buds are not weary and be sure to have 1200-1500 calories daily.

The path to a perfect figure is waylaid with temptations in the form of fad diets, single-food diets, protein and liquid diets. Each one claims to be a fast weight loss diet. There are no shortcuts to losing weight and their tall claims should be taken with a pinch of salt.

The perfect weight loss diet aims to keep you healthy while endowing you with a flattering figure.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental skin care interests. He can be reached at

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