Natural Herbal Weight Loss

Monday, March 31, 2008

Inexpensive Ways To Exercise For Weight Loss!

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Perhaps you?re a student, trying to make it on a student budget. Or, you?re a stay-at-home mother with little cash to spare. Or you?re just getting started in your career and you don?t have much in the way of disposable income. No matter what your situation, know that there are inexpensive ways to exercise for weight loss.

To begin with, one of the most cost-effective ways to exercise is simply by walking. It requires no special equipment?other than a good pair of athletic shoes. You can do it virtually anywhere?in a park, on a hiking trail, or around your neighborhood. Walking is also one of the best methods of cardiovascular exercise around. If you?re able to increase your pace from three-and-a-half to four-and-a-half miles an hour, you can expend 50 percent more calories. That means that, in a half hour of walking, you could burn more than 200 extra calories.

Another low-cost way to exercise is to work out with an exercise videotape or DVD. These tapes and DVDs can cost less than $20, but they can provide you with a year?s worth of exercise routines. Assuming you already have a VCR or DVD player, you won?t have to invest in any expensive equipment. You can also do the exercises in the privacy of your own home, so you don?t have to worry about how you?re dressed. Also, a number of television stations run exercise programs?the only money that?s required is paying your monthly cable bill, an expense you might already have.

Yet another way to exercise without putting out a great deal of money is to ride a bicycle. While you will have to invest in a bike, you might be able to pick one up at a low price by buying second-hand through a newspaper ad or through a used bike shop. Once you?ve bought your bike, you won?t have to invest any additional money in your exercise routine.

A number of magazines offer regular exercise features. These can be quite good and may even offer full-body workouts. By investing a mere $3.00 in a magazine, you might be able to find a fitness routine that you can use the entire year through. If you want to be really frugal, you can simply check out a fitness magazine from your local library and Xerox the exercise pages for future use.

One no-cost way to exercise is to dance. You don?t even need any training?you can simply get up out of your seat and begin to move. Turn on a radio station with dance music and let yourself go. You might also consider checking out dance CDs and audiocassette tapes from your neighborhood library.

You can also pick up free exercise tips from the Internet. You?ll find that many exercise experts offer their own websites which are filled with valuable information. Your doctor can also help you in developing an exercise routine that?s right for you.

As you can see, it doesn?t take a great deal of cash in order to exercise. And physicians say that, with regular exercise, you should be able to lose weight. By investing just a little bit of money up front, you can achieve as good a workout as you would be able to get at an expensive gym.

Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Sign up for his Free Exercise and Meal Planner at or

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Impact of genetic behavior on weight loss program

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It is one of the most difficult questions to answer for health specialists around the world. No matter how hard they push their clients to lose weight by exercises or suggesting low-calorie food. In some cases they also lay helpless against the genetics or psychological behaviors of a person that plays a crucial role in controlling the pace of any weight loss program.

The genetic composure of our body outlines the fat distribution and thus our body weight. Genes are also responsible for our attraction to specific types of food. Some eating habits of parents get transmitted through genes to their children. The intricate chemistry of our genes also decides how many calories we will burn while sitting or walking around the park. Some people never gain weight no matter how much they eat, it's all natural. Genes are the basic codes around which the whole programming of our body evolves. They decide our skin texture, hair color, eyes, and our tendency to gain or lose weight under certain conditions.

People who are masculine "macho-stuff" usually burn more calories than their fatty counterparts. Because muscles are the power house of the body, it is where most of body fat gets burned each day. An easy mantra for gaining fitness will be to increase your muscle mass, consequently your body will look more attractive and slim. On the other hand, fats have very low metabolic rate when compared to muscles. It means more the fats lesser will be your capacity to burn them.

Now, you will be thinking that you can't lose weight due to the complex functionality of your genes and will remain over weight for life. In fact it's not true; you are not powerless to influence your body weight. Any weight loss or weight maintenance plan your are following should emphasize increasing metabolic rate via a combination of aerobic, strength exercises, proper nutrition, and strategic meal planning

Remember diet pillsor other remedies will help you only if you are actively exercising and taking a nutritious diet.

Since most people live very inactive lives it's important to understand that the right weight loss supplement can and will increase your chances of losing weight. Last but not the least, though, the decision to lose weight is ultimately up to you.

Jody taylor, an associated as well as a contributing editor the for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit the website for more information on Obesity, Weight Loss methods, diet pills exercise or any Fitness related issues. Or write to him AT Any comments and /or suggestions will be highly appreciat

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Weight Loss Motivation - How To Get It And Keep It

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These days it seems like everyone wants to lose weight. Whether it be for appearance issues or health reasons, it is becoming quite the trend. But we all know that it is not always easy to lose weight.

Weight loss motivation is one of the hardest types of motivation to acquire. Why is that? First of all we need to have food to survive. It is not something that we can just put away and never pick it up again. So healthy eating is one goal that we need to set for ourselves. This goal will give us a tool to weight loss motivation.

Another goal that we need to set is for exercise. You can't just cut down the food intake, you also need to exercise and raise your metabolism rate. One mistake that people make when trying to lose weight is that they deprive themselves of all the foods that they love. Wrong! You can have anything in moderation.

If you try to deprive yourself of the foods that you love, it will back fire on you and you will end up eating more than normal. Also, it will de-motivate you if you have the mindset that you can never have that favorite piece of chocolate cake again!

So setting goals is probably the first step in weight loss motivation. Set realistic goals for yourself. If you think that you can realistically stand to lose 15 pounds then write it down. If you think that you can start that goal by running 1 mile per day, then write it down. Maybe you can only walk 1/2 mile per day.

Whatever you think you can do realistically, will be your new goals. Just do not set them too high. Make sure that they are goals that are possible to meet.

It is a good idea to write the goals down and keep them where you can look at them daily. This will remind you of what is important to you and why you are wanting to achieve weight loss motivation.

Reward yourself when you lose a pound or two. Pat yourself on the back, buy a new sweater, or do whatever it takes to make yourself feel better (no food rewards, though!) A reward must be something that you desire. If it isn't, then it is not a reward and it will serve no purpose.

Out of all the reasons to get motivated, such as financial gains, workplace motivation, etc. Weight loss motivation seems to be the one most sought after and the most difficult to obtain. It can be done. It will eventually become a habit to do the morning workouts and replace the old habits in your life.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: motivation techniques

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Why You Are Fat - Natural Weight Loss Dieting Program

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Have you ever wondered why you are fat and have considered going on a weight loss dieting program? If you did, then you must know why certain food makes you fat.

Most if not all of us are somewhat carbohydrate addicts. We have pastas, pizzas, white rice, spaghettis, bread, refined flour food and confectionaries in almost if not all our meals. Just look at the queues at the fast food joints on a regular day and you will know what I mean. Bread and sweet sugary drinks are the menu of the day, naturally.

Some of us are reluctant to embark on a weight loss dieting program to lose that excess baggage (body fat) because we think it is an exercise in sheer willpower and futility.

"You are asking me not to eat bread/rice/pizzas/hamburgers, chocolates and ice-creams my entire life? You must be nuts!" Sounds familiar? For those who incessantly snack on biscuits and chocolates between meals to stave off hunger while working at the office, here is why.

You unwittingly and naturally reach for such snacks because of the food you chose to eat earlier at an earlier meal. If you start the day with three or four slices of white bread spread with fruit jam or margarine and then wash it down with coffee and sugar, you can be sure you will be craving for snacks by mid-morning even though your breakfast was a filling one.

When your food made up primarily of carbohydrate, especially refined carbohydrate like white bread and pizzas, with little protein or fat, not to mention high in sugar, your blood glucose surges crazily following that meal.

To counter the effect of extreme glucose surge in your blood stream, your pancreas will pump more insulin than usual to bring your blood glucose level down. What happens then is that your blood glucose surges will then dip lower than your pre-meal level. When this happens, you start to get hungry and crave for more sweet stuff and more carbohydrate. This is why you reach for sweet snacks and drinks instinctively. Thus the vicious cycle continues again and again and you are eating more and more calories. So choosing the food in your meal is important so that you will not get hungry fast and then consume more calories to satisfy that hunger upsetting your natural weight loss dieting program.

When more carbohydrate is consumed than can be stored by your liver and muscles as glycogen, they are naturally converted to fat. So what should you do?

Well, you can start to limit your carbohydrate consumption (note that I said limit and not stop) and on top of that, choose slow digesting carbohydrates especially carbohydrate with fibers like fibrous vegetables, fruits, legumes, brown rice and brown bread, your insulin spike will not be so eccentric and therefore you will not get hungry or having your sweet tooth so often.

Now think about it, if you do not reach for your snacks and sugary drinks that often, it means that you are consuming fewer calories. So if your caloric consumption is less than your caloric expenditure, you are right on a natural weight loss dieting program without even realizing it. Better still, you are not going on a hunger and starvation diet because you will not get hungry that easily.

Just imagine now that you are losing weight naturally, what if you incorporate an exercise routine into your natural weight loss dieting program to burn off some more calories? Your natural weight loss result will be amazing wouldn't it?

Now that you know why you are fat, let's get started on this natural weight loss dieting program.

Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of actors, fashion models and male pageant winners. See his health and fitness websites Transform your body in 12 weeks and Lose Fat fast build muscles quick

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weight Loss Quick

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Why You Are Fat ? Natural Weight Loss Dieting Program

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Have you ever wondered why you are fat and have considered going on a weight loss dieting program? If you did, then you must know why certain food makes you fat.

Most if not all of us are somewhat carbohydrate addicts. We have pastas, pizzas, white rice, spaghettis, bread, refined flour food and confectionaries in almost if not all our meals. Just look at the queues at the fast food joints on a regular day and you will know what I mean. Bread and sweet sugary drinks are the menu of the day, naturally.

Some of us are reluctant to embark on a weight loss dieting program to lose that excess baggage (body fat) because we think it is an exercise in sheer willpower and futility.

"You are asking me not to eat bread/rice/pizzas/hamburgers, chocolates and ice-creams my entire life? You must be nuts!" Sounds familiar? For those who incessantly snack on biscuits and chocolates between meals to stave off hunger while working at the office, here is why.

You unwittingly and naturally reach for such snacks because of the food you chose to eat earlier at an earlier meal. If you start the day with three or four slices of white bread spread with fruit jam or margarine and then wash it down with coffee and sugar, you can be sure you will be craving for snacks by mid-morning even though your breakfast was a filling one.

When your food made up primarily of carbohydrate, especially refined carbohydrate like white bread and pizzas, with little protein or fat, not to mention high in sugar, your blood glucose surges crazily following that meal.

To counter the effect of extreme glucose surge in your blood stream, your pancreas will pump more insulin than usual to bring your blood glucose level down. What happens then is that your blood glucose surges will then dip lower than your pre-meal level. When this happens, you start to get hungry and crave for more sweet stuff and more carbohydrate. This is why you reach for sweet snacks and drinks instinctively. Thus the vicious cycle continues again and again and you are eating more and more calories. So choosing the food in your meal is important so that you will not get hungry fast and then consume more calories to satisfy that hunger upsetting your natural weight loss dieting program.

When more carbohydrate is consumed than can be stored by your liver and muscles as glycogen, they are naturally converted to fat. So what should you do?

Well, you can start to limit your carbohydrate consumption (note that I said limit and not stop) and on top of that, choose slow digesting carbohydrates especially carbohydrate with fibers like fibrous vegetables, fruits, legumes, brown rice and brown bread, your insulin spike will not be so eccentric and therefore you will not get hungry or having your sweet tooth so often.

Now think about it, if you do not reach for your snacks and sugary drinks that often, it means that you are consuming fewer calories. So if your caloric consumption is less than your caloric expenditure, you are right on a natural weight loss dieting program without even realizing it. Better still, you are not going on a hunger and starvation diet because you will not get hungry that easily.

Just imagine now that you are losing weight naturally, what if you incorporate an exercise routine into your natural weight loss dieting program to burn off some more calories? Your natural weight loss result will be amazing wouldn?t it?

Now that you know why you are fat, let?s get started on this natural weight loss dieting program.

Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of actors, fashion models and male pageant winners. See his health and fitness websites Transform your body in 12 weeks and Lose Fat fast build muscles quick

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Tips For Safe Weight Loss

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Many people want to trim down so they can look better and feel better. Carrying extra weight can be very unhealthy and it can lead to numerous health complications.

When a person is facing the prospect of having to lose weight they can feel overwhelmed. The gravity of the road ahead can be a lot to absorb and they turn to a quick fix for the problem.

There are many fad diets in existence that claim that they result in fast weight loss. In most cases their claim is true, in a sense. Most of these types of quick fix diets offer the person the chance to shed a high number of pounds the first week they are on the diet. This dramatic weight loss is almost always the result of the body losing water weight.

It might feel great to look down at the scale and see a huge weight loss, but in reality that weight loss could be gained back very quickly if the person reverted back to their normal diet.

There are steps you can take that will guarantee that you have a successful and safe weight loss. Losing weight can be done in a way that is effective long term and at the same time gives you results week after week.

One of the most important aspects in any weight loss plan is exercise. When a person decides they want to lose weight quite often their focus is completely on their diets. They worry over how many calories they are consuming each day and how many of those calories come from fat or carbohydrates.

Diet is an essential ingredient in weight loss, but with a regular exercise regime the weight loss will be more effective and quicker.

When a person exercises it helps to raise their metabolism. This is essential in weight loss. With a higher metabolism, the body can burn more calories and the weight begins to come off.

On the other hand, if a person just restricts calorie consumption the weight loss is much slower. The body views this as a sign of starvation and the metabolism slows instead of speeds up.

Exercise for a weight loss plan doesn?t need to be strenuous. A brisk walk each day is sufficient to aiding in weight loss. Many people incorporate a morning or evening walk into their daily routine.

Another key to safe weight loss is not to take supplements. There are many dietary supplements available over the counter that claim fast and effective weight loss. These types of supplements can be very expensive and depending on your medical history they can be dangerous as well.

If you are serious about beginning a weight loss plan it?s advisable to contact your doctor first. He or she will be able to suggest the best course for you to take including your daily calorie and exercise needs. The doctor can also chart your weight loss progress and help you if you reach a plateau.

Weight loss can help you to feel not only healthier but more attractive as well. With a safe weight loss you?ll find renewed energy and a wonderful feeling of self confidence and accomplishment. Weight loss isn?t an easy thing but when you do it, you?ll never be more proud of yourself.

Weight Loss Resources and Information around it

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ephedra and Weight Loss

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Ephedra strives to provide consumers with the information they need to have a thorough understanding of Ephedra, Ephedrine, and Mahuang. We will help to answer questions about the ancient uses, popular weight loss beliefs, safety issues, and legal concerns associated with it.

We explore the more common questions such as what an ECA stack is, the use of ephedra as an appetite suppressant, as well as the possible dangers associated with taking it. We also provide periodic reviews of the best products to buy online.

Taking any kind of ephedra supplement is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with a primary care physician. Ephedra attempts to provide objective information regarding supplements to give consumers the knowledge they need to make an informed decision.

One thing to carefully consider when taking any kind of supplement is that it is just that - a supplement! It is not a magic cure that melts away fat. Supplements MUST be used in conjuction with a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle begins with better food choices and a regular exercise program. Exercise can be as simple as walking around the block, or doing situps during a commercial. Take it slow and build your way up to a more frequent and strenuous routine. Above all, enjoy yourself, and enjoy watching your body transform each time you look in the mirror!

Joe Rodriguez owns EphedraTalk which provides valuable free information for anyone interested in information relating to ephedra and Weight Loss

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Weight loss myths and lies

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There are several statements circulating in the diet and fitness sector which have been told for decades now and still will be told in the future. Get to know what you can really do to drop weight.

Companies providing sports equipment or diet supplements make millions every year with promises based on wrong theories and information which by the way actually does not mean they don't know better.

Below some of the most common myths and lies about diets are listed and busted.

- Myth: weight loss workouts start to get effective after 20 minutes

What they tell you: When starting your cardio,etc. program the energy needed is mainly taken from glucose. The longer your workout the less glucose will be used, which means the more fat will be used and burnt. You need to go through the first twenty minutes before starting burning fat.

Truth is: The only factor that decides if you drop weight (or put on extra weight) is your energy balance, ie. the difference between calorie intake and calories consumed by physical activities (ALL activities of your body, not only sports). If you eat less than your body needs due to physical activities, your energy balance is negative. Because you didn't give your body enough calories to burn, it needs some other source of energy to compensate. This is what body fat is used for and why you will drop weight (fat). It does not matter how energy is provided (glucose or fat). Since you'll burn calories right from the beginning of your workout, you'll do a weight loss workout from the start.

- Myth: Do cardio a a low level heart frequency

What they tell you: If you keep your heart frequency between 120 to 130 beats a minute, your workout is not too intensive and therefore more fat will be used as energy source (instead of glucose which is used for more intensive activities). As a result, more fat is burnt.

Truth is: The source of energy is irrelevant for reducing fat. Again, if you burn more calories than you get (food), you will reduce your body fat. The source of energy used during workouts does not influence your weight. Result: - The more intensive, the more calories are burnt. - The longer you work out, the more calories will be burnt. This means: Find a trade-off which suits best to your needs and capabilities. Some of you might prefer a slow, extensive cardio program while others like short but exhaustive program. Regarding weight loss only, one program will be as effective as the other one.

- Myth: Certain exercises can reduce fat in specifically regions of your body

What they tell you: Buy their new machines/equipment to cut down fat in your belly region, etc.

Truth is: This so called "spot reducing" is not possible. Doing 1000 crunches each day might tighten your abs, but will not burn fat around your hips. Only your genetics decide where you will drop fat first.

Michael Schran is Webmaster of the site dedicated to washboard abs, where you can get further information on weight loss, diet and workouts.

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Secrets To The Weight Loss After Pregnancy

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Sarah is a pregnant mother of three who continues to breast-feed her 18-month-old. After each of her pregnancies, she has had difficulty losing weight. With all of her responsibilities, weight loss isn?t a priority. Still, she wishes that, once this pregnancy is over, she will be able to return to her pre-marriage weight.

The average woman gains more than 25 pounds during her pregnancy. The procedure of childbirth may result in a weight loss of up to 14 pounds, which means that new moms still have considerable weight to lose once they leave the hospital. However, some women simply assume that this ?baby fat? will never go away. Yet, it is entirely possible to lose weight during the post-partum period.

A number of medical experts recommend easing into a weight loss program after the birth of your baby. This means that you will not start dieting until about three months following birth. You should combine a low-fat diet with moderate exercise in order to achieve weight loss.

Don?t expect instant results. It will take you a good nine months to get back to your weight prior to pregnancy. A go-slow approach is best because you need to give your body time to recover after childbirth. Certainly, you might be able to lose weight faster, but you might be sacrificing valuable nutrients as a result.

Interestingly enough, breastfeeding actually enhances weight loss. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has found that breastfeeding leads to the release of hormones which enable your uterus to return to its normal size. However, breastfeeding alone won?t bring down your weight. You need to combine it with a sensible diet and a moderate exercise program. Keep in mind that you need to have at least 1800 calories a day while breastfeeding in order to keep yourself and your baby healthy. Still, stay clear of junk food during this period. You should rely on food with high nutritional value to maintain the proper level of calories each day.

There are many good reasons to exercise during the post-partum period. In addition to helping to accelerate weight reduction, exercise can help alleviate post-partum depression, improve your mood, and boost your confidence. Exercise can also ?clear your head? so that you?re better able to meet the demands of motherhood. You might consider joining a ?Mommy and Me? exercise class so that your baby can exercise right along with you. Another helpful hint is to enlist the help of a friend or relative to act as your exercise buddy so that you?ll have some emotional support while exercising. An added bonus of exercise is that it should boost your energy level, which is quite important when battling the fatigue which comes from caring for a newborn.

Your diet should generally be low-fat but not fat-free; vitamin rich; and high-fiber. Under no circumstances should you go on a fad diet. Such a diet could be quite harmful to your health and could actually slow your recovery from childbirth. It?s a good idea to set weight-loss goals, but don?t go overboard. Recognize that there?s a limit to the amount of weight you can lose during a given period of time.

You may see a number of actress-moms gracing the covers of magazines shortly after the birth of their children. They appear svelte and elegant, totally devoid of baby fat. In the accompanying article, they may even talk about exercising right after childbirth. Such articles send new mothers a dangerous message: that you must do all you can to become thin as quickly as possible after your baby is born. Such a philosophy is not only ridiculous, it?s also unhealthy. As a result, you?ll need to ?tune out? such messages from the media and stay the course with your own gradual weight loss plan.

The time right after the birth of a child can be quite challenging, taxing both your physical and emotional strength. While it is certainly a good idea to eat healthy, you?ll need to pace yourself as far as weight loss is concerned. Over time, you should be able to lose the weight you gained during your pregnancy. In fact, you might find that you?re actually healthier after your baby is born.

Nishanth Reddy is an Author and Publisher of various health related websites. For more articles on Loosing Weight visit Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your eZine, Blog, Auto responder or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.

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Easy Weight Loss - Make A Start Right Now!

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Oh dear, oh dear, it's that time of year but yet again! The holidays are over, Christmas has come and gone, and what is there to look forward to! Summer holidays I suppose, but they do seem such a long time away.

Anyway, I must confess that at the moment, even the thought of a holiday horrifies me, because after my over-indulgence during the festive season, the last thing that I want to be doing is even more eating and drinking.

So, if there is nothing to look forward to for now, and we are in the midst of the January depression, what on earth CAN we do to lift ouselves out of the blues at this time of year!

Here's one thought for you, start right now and get fit. I suggest that not only will that make you feel heaps better, after a few weeks, you will even start to look forward to that summer vacation. Let me give you another more serious and compelling reason for this, and that is that we all shoud start to take our long term health much more seriously than we do at present.

At least that is my humble opinion.

Did you know for instance that current statistics reveal that 75% of Americans are overweight and 40% are obese. That is just in the US, and I am prepared to hazard an educated guess that the rest of the developed world is not far behind.

For those who desire to lose weight and obtain optimal health therefore, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to start.

>From the Atkins Diet to the South Beach Diet, from low fat to low carb diets, there are numerous weight-loss plans to choose from. In addition, given conflicting information as to what works best, it can be difficult deciding what to do.

For those who have tried many diet plans with no success, it becomes more difficult and frustrating. Many people forget that a diet might work wonders for their friend but won't work well for them. This is not necessarily because the diet is "bad", but because each body reacts differently.

However, there is a way to lose weight that is easy, fast, and doesn't involve deprivation or calorie counting.

It is important to address some background information about body genetics and why weight loss can be difficult before I start to discuss weight loss tips.

At the start of any diet, it is important to note that each person has a different body build. Some people are short and stout, while others are tall and thin. Some have big hips and shoulders, and others are short and very muscular. Genetics can determine body shape and a person's natural build just as it can do eye color, hair color, skin color, and so on.

The good news is that genetics do not determine whether or not one will be fat, but will determine one's body shape.

This means that not every woman can expect to be tall and thin like a Hollywood actress or supermodel such as Tyra Banks. Not every man can expect to be defined and muscular like The Rock. The goal really, in my opionion, is to be at a comfortable weight for one's body shape and to feel good about it.

Having said all that, why is it that people are overweight! I have listed ten of the most common reasons below:-

1. Slow metabolism - People who are overweight have a hard time "burning off" their intake of food. As a result the fat is stored up in the body, rather than used.

2. Emotional eating - Those who struggle with weight often eat when stressed, or when other emotional upheavals are happening in their life.

3. Hormonal imbalances - This does mainly apply to the ladies, (complex creatures that we are!).

4. Eating portions - We can all be guilty of the syndrome that I like to call "greed not need". So watch out for those portion sizes.

5. A build up of toxins in the body - This can be due to too much junk food, candies, sodas, too much coffee, these can all contriubute to this.

6. Eating too late - Late-night eating can cause food to convert to fat a lot more easily, as well as making sleep more difficult.

7. A high susceptibility to growth hormones - These are the hormones which are given to animals to help them grow faster and larger. Some meat and dairy can have some residual growth hormones. These hormones can sometimes result in increased fat storage.

8. Not eating breakfast - This really does make your metabolism slow and sluggish.

9. Numerous diets - Going from diet to diet has a negative impact on the metabolism and causes weight loss to be much more difficult.

10. Food ingredients - The reasons why are amazing and beyond the scope of this article.

Here Are Seven Simple Steps For Easy Weight Loss

Now that there is a better understanding of body genetics, and why people have a tendency to be overweight, here are my tips for fast easy weight loss.

#1: Drink some water first thing in the morning. Ideally you should drink eight ounces of distilled water, bottled water, or filtered water (not tap water).

#2: Eat a big breakfast. Suggested foods to choose from are apples, bananas, rye bread with no sugar, plain yogurt, tuna, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, raw honey, and such like.

#3: Drink distilled water throughout the day: I recommend that you try and drink at least eight glasses per day.

#4: Walk non-stop one hour each day. This doesn't have to be power walking, just walk at your own pace. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise you know!

#5: Try and stop eating after 6:00 PM. This is very hard for many people, but do the best you can. You will be surprised at how much you benefit from this.

#6: Do a candida cleanse. Candida is yeast overgrowth in the colon that can cause all kinds of health problems. Check online for "Candida Cleanse" or go to your local health food store.

#7: Do a colon cleanse: This cleanse cleans out the digestive system, which is clogged and sluggish in many overweight people. Once again, check online or go to your local health food store.

More and more people worldwide are becoming overweight. Extra weight can result in many health issues and negatively impact your emotional state and self-esteem. However for those struggling with this problem, there is hope, because you can lose it and keep it off if you really want to.

Now that you have a understanding of body genetics and why you might be overweight, why not take some positive action today!

Commit to trying at least a few of the steps, you will be glad that you did.

Marie Gordon is Author and Publisher of "Your Fastest Way To Permanent Weight Loss" the complete solution to all your weight loss problems. You can find out more by visiting

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Zone Diet - A New Weight Loss System

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The Zone Diet works on the principle that 100,000 years ago, we were meat eaters, and our metabolism is designed to handle the demands of a meat-based diet.

Madonna, Demi Moore, and Jennifer Aniston swear by the results of the Zone Diet, which was created by Barry Sears, PhD. The Zone Diet contains 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat and is known as the 40-30-30 plan.

As the food industry evolved, more carbohydrates have been introduced into our daily diet, thus causing an imbalance in our metabolism to burn fat. The reason for our extra weight can also be attributed to the many grains and starches in our diet (pasta, rice, breads, and potatoes). The Zone Diet's approach calls for a return to the diets of our ancestors where meat, fruits, and vegetables are the main dietary foods.

The Zone Diet suggests that you need the right ratio of carbohydrates to proteins and fats in order to control the insulin in the bloodstream. Too much of the hormone (insulin) can increase fat storage and inflammation in the body (conditions that are associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease). Sears asserts that by using the Zone Diet, you are actually optimizing the body's metabolic function. Through the regulation of blood sugar, you allow your body to burn excess body fat.

Although you are not prohibited from any particular food group, it is best to avoid food with high fat and carbohydrates such as grains, starches, and pastas. The ideal sources of carbs are fruits and vegetables and for monounsaturated fats olive oil, almonds, and avocados are recommended. The Zone Diet claims to use food as a drug for overall good health, weight loss and prevention or management of heart disease and diabetes.

Sears says that you can test to see whether you are 'hormonally' correct by eating following the Zone diet and see how you feel four hours later. To simplify the Zone Diet, fill one-third of a plate with low-fat protein, and then two-thirds with fruits and vegetables.

Celebrities and some health experts say that the Zone's recommendations do not stray far from the USDA's (United States Dietary Association) dietary guidelines and therefore are advocates of the Zone Diet. Others argue that the Zone Diet has flawed ratios but Sears argues that the Zone diet is a low-glycemic-load diet that has adequate protein. .

A critic of the Zone diet such as the AHA (American Heart Association) classifies the Zone Diet as high protein and does not recommend the Zone Diet for weight loss. They contend that the Zone Diet has not been proven effective in the long term for weight loss. The AHA issued an official recommendation warning against diets like the Zone Diet. They believe that the Zone Diet is hazardous as it restricts the intake of essential vitamins and minerals present in certain foods. The AHA also contends that the protein ratio in the Zone diet is too high even if the minimal fat ratio is good. Robert H. Ecker M.D of the A.H.A. finds the Zone Diet's theory on insulin flawed and argues that there is no scientific proof that the hormone insulin plays a big role in weight regulation.

For more information about the Zone diet and weight loss, visit and

David Chandler For your FREE Stock Market Trading Mini Course: "What The Wall Street Hot Shots Won't Tell You!" go to:

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #33

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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #33

Hello Divine One,

When we are aligned with our Creator, then everything flows simply and easily. We ask for what we want and then we detach.

I would highly recommend getting the book, I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. In it, you'll find great information on how to attract what you desire and then learn to detach. It's all presented in a simple format. Here's some key things from the book:

"God said, "Ask and ye shall receive." He did not say, "Ask and then go get it yourself." To receive means it is coming to you. You do not have to catch it. When you do not detach, you are telling God that you can do it by yourself.

Once you have had the experience with a two-year old, you know exactly what detachment means. Take a two-year old to any store and let her walk next to you. What happens? Sooner or later she will take off running the other way. At first, you take up the chase. You are going to catch that child and grab her hand. But guess what?

Two-year olds are fast and quick. Even if you do catch her, your success is only temporary. That ball of energy will scream and kick until you let go so she can run away again. Your little prize is playing "chase me." This is not a game adults can win. At some point, hopefully, you learn detachment. When the child runs one way, you go the other and never look back. Bingo! Your two-year old will quickly stop running away from you. In short order she will come running back to find you.

This is exactly what you must do once you have written down what you want. Turn away, and the things you ask for will come running to you. Don't wait for them to come to you in order to be happy. Always be happy with your current situation.

Write down what you want to have. Think it through. Get excited. Feel like it is already yours. Get enthusiastic about enjoying it. Then do the smart thing. Detach yourself. Turn your back and let the Universe take over. Want what you asked for, but stop caring if you ever get it. You still want it. But in your heart, you must not care if you get it or not.

Detachment does not mean you don't go to work. You continue to go about your life. You continue to take action. The difference is now your actions are guided by the powers of the Universe.

In nature, Universal Intelligence allows birds to thrive, grass to grow all without any special effort. The earth itself spins and circles the sun with no help from humankind. Nature prospers easily and effortlessly. Humans are part of that ecosystem. We, too, are destined to prosper easily and effortlessly."

WOW! Detachment--probably the hardest thing to do, don't you agree?

Do you ever wonder why things seem so difficult, such a struggle? When we're living as if we have to control the Universe, then we are saying, "I can do this myself." God is saying, "Hello! You've asked for what you want. Now, I will bring it to you. Rely on me."

What's more...ever met someone for the first time, and yet you felt as if you have already known him or her? This happened to me recently. I got connected with a wonderful woman, Dr. Tianna Conte, over the telephone. She exuded powerful ancient wisdom and it was such a delight to talk to her. As we were discussing life, she reminded me about the KISS principle. Only her KISS principle is this--Keep It Simply Spiritual! Beautiful, isn't it?

Live each day using the KISS principle! As you continue working towards your weight loss goals, remind yourself that each step is spiritual, which means it is easy and effortless. God wouldn't intend it any other way. Write down what you want, be excited about receiving it and then detach. God always delivers. In fact, He is the best delivery man!

And above all else, BE HAPPY!

My weight loss program incorporates all of these things so that you learn how to change your thoughts. Check out my website at and click on the butterfly to begin your transformation.

Love and hugs,


 Helping people fall in love....with themselves Tami Close Weight Loss Consultant 2916 N.W. Bucklin Hill Rd. #291 Silverdale, WA 98383 360-792-2209

Tami Close helps people fall in love...with themselves. She is a weight loss consultant and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss program. She is a #1 best selling co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom.

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10 Proven Tips for Weight Loss

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The New Year is here. One New Year's resolution for many people is to lose weight and to keep it off. Unfortunately, for some, this can be such a daunting task that their resolve lasts for a few months at best. The good news is that weight loss does not have to be difficult. With the right mindset, it is possible to lose weight and keep it off. Here are 10 tips to assist in this process.

Tip #1: Focus on small changes at a time. For most people, successful weight loss involves not only a diet change, but a lifestyle change as well. Since this can be overwhelming for some, it is best to take baby steps. For instance, instead of signing up for year's membership at a gym, go for a few months, and then never step foot in a gym again, a more effective approach could be to commit to walk in the neighborhood three times a week for thirty minutes. Once this is done habitually and becomes part of one 's lifestyle, then it might be beneficial to look at a gym membership.

Tip #2: Eat 100% organic, virgin, and unrefined coconut oil. There is research which supports this as an aide in weight loss.

Tip #3: Eat apples, preferably organic, every day. Apples decrease appetite and stabilize blood sugar. Eat at least one apple per day.

Tip #4: Stay away from fast foods. These foods are loaded with harmful fats, preservatives, and other chemicals. If one has to eat out, try to eat at a restaurant and make healthy choices such as eating a large salad, a baked potato, and broiled meats instead of fried.

Tip #5: Do a liver cleanse. Many people have livers which are clogged and not working efficiently. Health food stores carry a variety of cleansing products.

Tip #6: Use organic apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps to eliminate fat cells from the body. Take a few teaspoons prior to each meal. Apple cider vinegar can be found in health food stores.

Tip #7: Add hot pepper to food. It is amazing what something hot and spicy can do for the metabolism. Hot peppers not only increase metabolism, but also help the body burn off fat more efficiently. Organic hot salsa is best.

Tip #8: Eat a large organic salad at lunch and dinner. The key is organic, if possible. If salad dressing is used, it should be organic olive oil, organic vinegar, and fresh organic lemon juice.

Tip #9: Stay away from refined foods such as sugar and enriched products such as white flour, white rice, white bread, and pasta that is not organic or whole grain. These foods have no nutritional value.

Tip #10: Be positive! Don't say "I'm going to try to lose weight", but "I'm going to lose weight and feel great." Be committed to staying on course and making those necessary lifestyle and dietary changes. With this mindset, one cannot help but be successful.

2006 is here. Weight loss for the New Year does not have to be overwhelming and difficult. Commit to trying at least a few of these steps. Follow through can indeed result in one "losing weight and feeling great".

This article may be reprinted on a website, blog or for personal use IF the content remains unchanged and this resource box is included.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Weight Loss Attitudes

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Once you?ve achieved your desired weight, you return to your old eating habits and levels of activity, the weight will return. Plain and simple.

Quick-fix diets face this kind of problem. They don?t offer long-term changes which sometimes cause the downfall of the program.

Stay realistic

Avoid feeling dissatisfaction with what you have accomplished. Enjoy your life and be satisfied with the healthy weight you can achieve. Initially, weight loss is gradual compared to those who return to their previous weight.

Have self-discipline

People who watch their weight show flexibility in their self-control. Most of the time, they make healthy choices but does not avoid eating food.

Eat healthily

Learn proper choice, preparation and enjoyment of a balanced diet. Skill in cooking low-fat diet, understanding labels of food and being able to judge portion sizes food labels and having the ability to judge portion sizes contribute to a balanced diet.

Eating regular meals, tasting them and planning ahead is also a part of this.

How to eat like a successful slimmer

? Maintain a balanced, lower fat diet in addition to fruits and vegetables.
? Don't stay away from any foods, eat portion sizes and minimize the amount of certain foods.
? Eat three regular meals a day at regular times (starting with breakfast), and lesser snacks.
? Dine out occasionally, but lessen fast food.
? Sit down to eat your meals, enjoy them and pay attention to what you're eating.

Stay active

Getting regular exercise is one of the factors that determine long-term success. It does not only burn unwanted calories and increase metabolism but also increases self-esteem and fights stress.

According to research, walking alone for 30 minutes daily plus some additional activities during the week can be enough.

Have ongoing support

The right kind of support during and after weight loss is vital. It is not an easy task and maintaining them is not easy as well.

Self-monitoring, being conscious and taking down notes is a way of supporting yourself.

Learn to deal with stress

Food is a quick and effective method of handling stress for some people. Evaluate the stresses in your life and your response to these stresses.

Discover new ways to handle your stress. Regular exercise, breathing techniques and removing negative self-talk that fuels anxiety.

Be like a successful slimmer

? Regularly inspect your weight (once or twice a week) or use another indicator.
? Avoid guilt-feeling when you overeat or about certain foods.
? Handle stress and solve problems. Ask for assistance and support from your family, friends, a club, website or health professionals.

Jan Thomsen is writing health, diet and exercise articles for the 1200 calories diet site and family oriented articles for the Halds family blog

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Vegetarian Diet: Great For Weight Loss, Health And The Planet

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"Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends" was how George Bernard Shaw explained his vegetarian diet. Albert Einstein said that the adoption of "the vegetarian manner of living...would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind."

Whether you are interested in vegetarianism because of lofty moral ideals such as those held by Shaw and Einstein, or because you just want to lose weight and feel better physically you are not alone. Throughout the world there is a growing interest in vegetarianism.

Let's take a look at the main reasons for being a vegetarian.

Physical: There is a long list of modern diseases that are aggravated by meat eating: colon cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, arthritis and gout top the list.

In addition, many toxins accumulate in meat, as animals are on the top of an agricultural food chain that is heavily dependent on chemicals and pesticides. Added to the chemicals of the environment, are the hormones secreted into an animal's bloodstream as it faces death. "The flesh of an animal is loaded with toxic blood and other waste products," was how the Nutrition Institute of America described it.

If that isn't enough to make you think about trying a vegetarian diet, there is more

You Can Live Without Meat: You can get all the vitamins, minerals and even protein that you need without eating any meat products. A diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products will certainly provide you with what you need. And such a diet is not boring. Have you ever tasted an elaborate vegetarian Indian dinner, or vegetarian Chinese cuisine, or vegetarian Italian food?

While it is possible to be vegetarian and also be fat, it is much harder! A vegetarian diet is not a fad diet that you will do for a period, but something you can follow and enjoy for your whole life.

But there are more reasons why a vegetarian diet makes sense.

Moral and Social Reasons: We all love our cats, dogs, and house pets. We regard them as beautiful creatures who are part of our family. Other animals, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens ducks, etc. are also beautiful creatures and they too want to live. If we can live our lives without killing them, then why should we?

Finally, our Mother earth is small and has limited resources. Feeding humanity with meat takes a big toll on the environment. It makes more sense for us to get nourishment from plant proteins rather than growing grains and then feeding it to animals. Every year millions of people die of hunger in the developing countries, while thousands die of avoidable diseases in the developed countries due to overeating the wrong kind of food. Surely, in the 21st Century, we can do better than this. The spread of the vegetarian diet may be the best way to correct this crazy imbalance.

So, think about it, and try out a vegetarian diet. It will help you to slim down, feel great physically and connect you with the other living beings on planet Earth.

Dada Vedaprajinananda is yoga teacher and writer. He is the author of ?Yoga Weight Loss Secrets? , available at and is the publisher of the Life Weight Loss Article Directory ? ? where you can find articles and information about health, fitness and weight loss.

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Writing For Your Weight Loss Success

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Motivation is one of the key variables for the equation that yields long term weight loss success. The question is how do you maintain the motivation to attain the ultimate goal? Regardless if your weight loss goal is 20 pounds or 100 pounds you must change your thinking to change your behavior and writing makes that happen.

Weight loss really does begin in your head. Every successful athlete understands that his thinking process is either working for him or against him. The same holds true with weight loss. If your internal dialogue is negative, your results will eventually manifest the same result! You can?t degrade yourself to a healthy new you! You must change your thinking to work for you, to build your resolve, and to maintain that all important motivational factor.

Writing is an exercise that will help your mind change its thinking! It allows you to process the negative emotions and helps to instill the positive changes. Start with these simple exercises:

1. The Negative Emotions Daily Dump: Many success coaches advocate writing out your negative thinking on a daily basis. Simply spend approximately 15 minutes writing out all the frustrations, bad feelings, and discouragement. This helps you to process these bad feelings out of your system so that you can make room for positive affirmations. Do not reread the entries and do not keep them. Write it out, and then throw it out. We call this the Negative Emotions Daily Dump.

2. Affirm Your Goals: Prepare a list of affirmations that will help your subconscious work with your conscious brain to make those all important behavioral changes. Then write your affirmations at least twice a day. Write them once after you have written your Negative Emotions Daily Dump. Don?t do the Negative Dump without filling it with the positive affirmations. You should always end with this. Write the second set of affirmations either right before you go to bed or first thing in the morning. Read your affirmations several times a day.

3. Understand your Motivations: In order to stay motivated you must understand your real reasons for losing weight. In other words, understand why YOU want to lose weight. Not why your spouse or friends want you to lose weight but why losing the weight is important to you. Do you really want more energy? Do you just love skinny clothes? Do you want to participate in an activity that would be easier if you were slim and healthy? Write these motivations out in detail so that you can solidify them in your head and they can continue to motivate you through the entire weight loss journey.

4. Accountability: Keep a food diary. Keeping a food diary has been proven time and time again to increase your weight loss success by as much as 50%! A food log is your accountability factor. It keeps you honest with yourself.

5. Visualize: Visualize yourself enjoying the portions of your weight loss program that you are currently struggling to do. For instance if you hate the cardio portion of your day, start seeing yourself loving it. See it as ??your time?. It can be your time to read while you?re on the stationary bike. Or your time to watch all those movies you feel guilty watching any other time. Once you begin to visualize positive feelings about a certain activity the easier that activity will become.

6. The Pat-On-The-Back: Keep a written log of your weight loss success. By writing down your weight loss on a weekly basis you are validating your efforts and giving yourself a pat-on-the-back. This will go a long way to keeping you on track.

Keep in mind that if you are utilizing the assistance of a personal fitness trainer or weight loss professional that they may use techniques to help you face your self-defeating habits. This might feel harsh and negative, however it isn?t. Honesty is necessary to motivate change and this is different than running yourself down! Sometimes we have to hear the hard words to make the hard changes. Keep in mind that these professionals are seeking your ultimate success. Your success is their success. Let?s face it, the weight gain started with you and to change that behavior you may have to deal with some uncomfortable feelings. A good trainer will help you feel cared about while still insisting that you deal with your bad habits. It?s a good thing to be pushed past your comfort zone to becoming a better you!

Writing is the new ?exercise? that can make all the rest of your weight loss efforts including good nutrition, exercise, and resistance training work for you because you will be working with these principles instead of against them. You will start seeing these weight loss techniques as a positive and permanent part of your life, instead of a temporary device. That will result in faster results that last forever!

Dr. Fit, Sidney E. Reeves, CFT is a nationally recognized personal fitness trainer. Dr. Fit has been helping overweight America understand and change their self-defeating habits while learning the important elements of good nutrition, exercise and positive change. He has launched a website to compliment his daily fitness show at where members receive all the tools to lose weight permanently. Join Dr. Fit as your fitness trainer today at

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss

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Hoodia Gordonii Plus is the Fastest, Most Effective Weight Loss Supplement Available

The discovery of the active ingredient in the Hoodia gordonii plant is proven with clinical research to suppress one's appetite by up to 2000 calories a day. This amazing and all natural and organic ingredient is the result of 30 years of research by the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) in South Africa. So great is the discovery of this weight-loss ingredient that Pfizer, a large pharmaceutical company, is developing a pill, known as P57, based on the hoodia gordonii plant. Why does Pfizer need to synthesize a product that already works you may ask? In America you cannot patent a natural product so the drug companies need to turn it into a drug by making an un-natural and un-healthy substance so they can patent the product and make billions of dollars. We are delighted to report that WIMSA contested and recently won their case against multinational pharmaceutical companies seeking to develop a drug from South African Hoodia.

What will Hoodia do for you? Hoodia will curb your appetite almost immediately, after taking only a few milligrams Hoodia gives you control over your appetite being the most effective natural appetite suppressant ever found Hoodia will make you feel great- its a natural mood enhancer Hoodia will help you to lose weight by not over-eating Hoodia is 100% Natural with Proven results that will work for you What Hoodia won't do. Hoodia will not give you the shakes like so many other appetite suppressants Hoodia will not make your heart race and will not keep you awake all night long Hoodia will definitely not give you that 'Wired" feeling like so many other appetite suppressants Hoodia will not raise your body temperature and make you feel uncomfortable all day Hoodia is so safe that it is classified as a dietary supplement and not a medicine, it works gently on your system, so gently that you will hardly notice a difference - except that you don't feel hungry!

Learn More About Hoodia Gordonii Plus.

J. Ratliff is author of

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

weight loss program: Lose weight the smarter and easier way "diet free"

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What is diet free weight loss? Diet free weight loss is an all natural, all safe way program design To help anyone at any level lose weight quickly and easily.

Loosing weight nowadays can be one of the hardest thing to do.

Who can benefit from diet free weight loss? Anyone who interested in losing weight and getting in shape, it doesn't matter your age, size or shape anyone can get involved and succeed in this program.

One has to make a serious and final decision on his/her in loosing weight

How can diet free weight loss help you? Diet free weight loss will give you all the necessary steps and instructions for you to do in order to reach your goals quickly and easily. Diet free weight loss don't require that you take any drugs, pills, or to go on any crazy starvation diet.

When will you begin to see results? Individuals using the diet free weight loss program results vary, because we all do not have the same body type or the same genetic make up.

Why you must try the diet free weight loss program? Because you have nothing to lose, except for the weight...... (laugh)

If you are very serious in looking better, getting into shape and feeling great, then it's up to you to take action now it's up to you to take that first step to success and begin your diet free weight loss program Today!

Go visit now!

Richard Lindo
Internet Marketer

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Aerobic Cross Training for Weight Loss

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Aerobic Cross Training for Weight Loss

Do you sometimes get bored with your aerobic exercise? Do You sometimes feel like you're not getting the results you should from your aerobic exercise? If so, then aerobic cross-training is for you.

Aerobic cross-training refers to using two to three different types of aerobic exercise during an exercise session. For example, if you plan to exercise for 60 minutes, you might start with 20 minutes of walking or jogging, followed by 20 minutes of biking, and finish with 20 minutes of rowing.

Now, please don't get the impression that you have to be in great shape to do this or that it has to be 60 minutes long. You can start with something as simple as a ten minute walk followed by ten minutes with an exercise video. This is cross-training too. You can gradually build up from there.

Here are some of the exercises you can use in your cross-training program; walking, jogging, biking, rowing, stair climbing, swimming, exercise videos, etc. Any combination of aerobic exercises will do. You simply go from one to the next with very little time between them.

Aerobic cross-training is beneficial to you in several ways:

1. It provides variety which eliminates the monotony often associated with doing the same exercise for a long period of time.

2. If your exercise sessions are less monotonous and more enjoyable, you are much more likely to exercise more often and for longer periods of time.

3. You are less prone to over-use injuries that sometimes occur from doing the same exercise movements over and over again.

4. You tone more muscles because you are using more muscles. For example, walking tones mostly the lower body muscles and rowing tones upper body muscles also. Even exercises like walking and biking that both tone lower body muscles, tone them at different angles and each tones some small muscles that the other doesn't.

5. Aerobic conditioning is very specific to the muscles being worked. For example, you can walk ten miles a day and still be somewhat breathless after climbing stairs because you haven't trained the muscles for that specific movement. Aerobic cross-training allows you to develop more comprehensive aerobic training.

6. Aerobic cross-training is effective for weight loss because your are toning and training the fat-burning systems of more of your muscles. It turns more of your muscles into 24-hour fat-burning machines! You are also more likely to exercise on a regular basis and for longer periods of time. this also promotes weight loss and fitness.

For more information on cross trainning, keith Londrie II has put up a web site for further information. Please visit for more information NOW.

Keith E. Londrie II infoserve @

Keith Londrie II is a renowned specialist in aerobic trainning. He provides information on the subject matter at his web site at - Visit to get your questions answered now

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Successful Weight-Loss System Researched By Harvard University.

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You may have heard of the 'Mediterranean Diet'. It is well known to be one of the healthiest eating regimes known to man as well as an effective and powerful deterrent against heart disease, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

What you might not know is that if applied in the correct way this type of diet can also be used as an extremely effective means of losing weight - and a lot of it!!

Losing weight AND improving your health at the same time? Unheard of - until now!

Unlike 'fad' diets which are primarily designed for extreme weight-loss, the Mediterranean Diet actually works WITH your metabolism to achieve long-term and permanent results. The speed that you lose weight could be slightly slower but the end result is MUCH better.

Diets such as the 'Atkins' or the 'Cabbage Soup', apart from being dangerously unhealthy, have been shown to make the dieter lose water rather than actual fat - this can be extremely counter-productive.

If weight is lost too quickly there can be up to a 6% loss of muscle tissue as well as any fat or water lost. As a result, when the weight eventually returns - and it always does - more fat actually replaces the lost muscle which means the dieter will end up being fatter than he was before!!

To lose weight effectively, the method has to be realistic and according to research carried out by Harvard University, the Mediterranean Diet is the solution.

To learn exactly how to achieve permanent and healthy weight-loss visit:

Anthony Glassman - co-author of Mediterranean Diet Secrets

co-author of Mediterranean Diet Secrets

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Eat More Pectin For Successful Weight Loss

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Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to not feel so hungry all the time when you are trying to lose weight? Well there is a way and it's not some new fad either, it's something that's natural, has no adverse side effects and might be sitting right in your fridge - fiber.

One type of fiber that you probably already have been eating is called pectin. Pectin is found in fruits, such as apples, strawberries, and peaches, along with vegetables including carrots, sweet potatoes and beans. Pectin is a carbohydrate that has no calories.

Pectin is a great source of fiber, which we all know is important for a healthy diet. Aside from helping you feel full longer, pectin can help to cut cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It may even aid in the prevention of colon cancer.

Pectin can help you lose and maintain your weight because it causes the stomach to empty more slowly. As a result, after eating pectin, you feel satisfied longer. This means that you will eat less, which will lead to weight loss. And if you think you'll have to be gobbling down hundreds of apples or guzzling pectin drinks, think again - research has shown that as little as a single teaspoon can help you to feel satisfied.

Where Can You Get Pectin?

Thankfully, you won't have to drive miles out of your way to get your supply of pectin because it is sold right in your local grocery store. It comes in a powder, which may be known as Sure-Jel, or a liquid, known as Certo. Derived from grapefruit and apples, pectin is usually found with the baking supplies in most supermarkets.

How To Take Pectin

You can mix pectin with orange juice, water, or soft drinks. It has no taste so shouldn't affect the taste of the beverage you mix it in. It is best to increase your intake gradually to let your system adjust to the added fiber. Start off with a teaspoon a day and then gradually add more in to a max of 3 teaspoons a day. You can also add pectin to broth or soups, applesauce and even baked potatoes.

Lee Dobbins writes about Low Carb and Low GI eating as well as other weight loss issues. Visit for more articles on healthy dieting.

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Getting Enough Fiber Is Important For Weight Loss

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Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, but did you know it can help you in your weight loss efforts? Filling up on fiber can help you to feel full for longer, therefore causing you to eat less overall which will result in healthy weight loss.

In addition to helping you lose weight, fiber also has many positive health effects. Fiber has been linked to managing diabetes, cutting cholesterol, and limiting heart damage. One Swiss study found that eating a high-fiber meal reduced hunger more than a meal which was low in fiber.

How Much Fiber Do You Need?

You should consume between 25 to 35 grams of fiber a day. While that might not sound like a lot, most Americans only get about 15 grams and many much less. Fiber can be found in most fruits and vegetables including carrots, peas, broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower.

In addition, there are many cereals and breads that have a good amount of fiber, but you must read the labels to determine which ones. Typically anything made with whole wheat or whole oats or bran will have fiber - plus these cereals tend to be natural and low in fat and sugar which also help with your weight loss and are better for you overall.

How Can You Eat More Fiber? There are some easy ways that you can increase your fiber intake. Think about adding garbanzo beans to a salad or soup, or add a tablespoon of bran to your cereal. Leaving the skins on fruits and vegetables will also increase your fiber intake. The actual fiber content of each individual food isn't that much so it is best if you simply eat more types or servings of fiber rich foods each day.

Consider eliminating meat from some of your meals. Meat has no fiber, and it doesn't give you the benefit that you get with fiber-rich food. Instead, try eating more grains, fruits, and vegetables. In this way, you can be sure your meal has a healthy concentration of fiber.

Add Fiber Gradually

It might be difficult for your body to become accustomed to a diet that is rich in fiber. It is indeed counter-cultural, since many families grew up consuming a great deal of meat. However, if you're really want to lose weight and be healthy, you'll give fiber-rich meals a try. Fiber rich foods, combined with sensible eating, can help you lose weight and keep it off.

Don't try to totally change to a high fiber overnight. It may require a great deal of trial-and-error before you hit upon the right amount of fiber. However, in the end, you may be amazed at the positive role that fiber plays in your diet. And it may inspire you to encourage your loved ones to add more fiber to their own diets as well. A diet high fiber diet can help you to manage the amount of food you eat and has many health benefits. So load up on fiber--and watch your waistline shrink as a result!

Lee Dobbins writes about Low Carb and Low GI eating as well as other weight loss issues. Visit for more articles on healthy dieting.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Do the weight loss experts actually agree?

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Today, many well-known diet gurus, weight loss experts, and nutritional researchers have stepped up to the plate to declare that the high carbohydrate, low fat diet regimens recommended by such institutions as the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association and the United States Department of Agriculture are misinformed, and frankly unhealthy.

Can this be true? Should you actually follow a weight loss program that goes against these acclaimed institutions?

These weight loss experts now tell us that our diets should, instead, include lots of high quality protein, fat should not concern us, and carbohydrates are the enemy. This has set the stage for battles between the health industry and the weight loss industry with the only agreement between them seeming to be the need to lose weight.

The problem is - both approaches to weight loss are wrong. And, both approaches to weight loss are both right. The most regularly leveled criticisms of each weight loss program seem legitimate - until you examine the recommended diets in depth. Sit down and look at the recommended menus. Take them to the calorie calculators and compare ingredients and nutrients. I did, and what I found was quite interesting.

In the most practical sense, all of these weight loss programs are talking about the same diet.

Oh, there are minor variations that have been grossly blown out of proportion by the advertising hype created by the weight loss industry. And, of course, there are misinterpretations that?have been stated as fact. However, the bottom line of each and every one of the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the American Diabetes Association diet, and the American Heart Association's Heart Healthy Diet -- all of them - is to derive the greatest portion of your caloric intake for the day from low carbohydrate vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, summer squash, and fruits with high calorie and antioxidant counts. It is when it comes to whole grains that the controversy seems to arise.

Almost without exception, proponents of the low carb diets for weight loss and maintenance have condemned the recommended diets for suggesting that adults should derive the greater portion of their diets from carbohydrates. What they fail to note is that also without exception, each of those 'healthy' diets strongly suggest avoiding white breads, starchy, processed foods, sweet snacks high in sugar and preservatives, and white rice.

On the other hand, the medical community has condemned the low carb diets for encouraging the consumption of a diet high in saturated fats and cholesterol. But there is also a strong suggestion in each of those diets along the lines of "eat only until you are no longer hungry". .. and a minimum consumption of vegetables. Dinner's minimum suggested amount of vegetables is 2 1/2 cups. How hungry will you be after consuming two and a half cups of vegetables?

In the end, the bottom line of every weight loss program advertised is the same: * Eat fewer calories than you expend. * Eat a well-balanced diet where most of the calories are derived from whole grains, vegetables and fruits. * Exercise moderately every day. * Make your diet a "lifestyle diet" so you will lose weight--and keep it off! ?

Adam Waxler publishes a series of weight loss information products including his new weight loss resource filled with with FREE weight loss articles and tips @

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Diabetes and weight loss surgery

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Weight loss surgery can be highly beneficial in preventing the occurrence of diabetes. The long-lasting weight reduction procedure attained with the help of laparoscopic gastric banding can play a key role in the prevention and remission of type 2 diabetes in over weight people. It's a good news for millions of obese people who're on the verge of getting afflicted with the life threatening disease. Weight loss surgery is getting immensely popular nowadays due to their efficacy and weight loss benefits. The laparoscopic gastric banding surgery is a minimally invasive type of weight loss surgery which is also a wonderful option for preventing high blood pressure apart from diabetes. This form of weight loss surgery is a big blessing for millions of obese people.

These findings on the benefits of weight loss surgery are based on a study conducted on severely obese patients who underwent laparoscopic gastric banding (LGB) and those who refused the surgery. Separate studies were conducted to assess the effect on diabetes prevention and remission. It was found at the end of the study that those treated with LGB didn't develop type 2 diabetes.

The study also pointed towards the beneficial effect of LGB on high blood pressure. Thus weight loss achieved by the means of weight loss surgery can be useful in preventing diabetes and high blood pressure apart from curtailing excessive weight. Apart from surgeries, weight loss can be attained through a variety of means such as diet pills, dieting, fad diets, and exercise and by following a healthy and nutritious diet plan.

For making weight loss a long term affair, amalgamation of a proper diet plan and exercise is the best procedure. But in case you're looking for short term weight loss then diet pills will prove most suitable for you. Diet pills such as phentermine can help you shed those extra baggages within a short stint of time.

Charles Jones is the author of the, a website on weight loss drugs. For more information on weight drugs visit

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How weight loss enhances sexual life

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Weight loss can be big boon for our sexual life. Recent findings suggests that high blood pressure associated with obesity can cause a lowered libido or lower sexual drive in men and women and in some cases it can cause bouts with impotence. A recent study done by a psychologist at Duke University suggests that a healthy weight can improve intimacy both physiologically and psychologically.

It certainly helps in bed to have less of a stomach, because simple physics says that if you've got a big belly sticking out, you're not going to give your partner the full effect or satisfaction in some positions. Losing weight can improve a person's sex life to a great extent. Apart from improving performance or confidence in the bedroom, a healthy weight decreases stress on major joints including ankles, hips and knees, and lowers the chance of diabetes and heart disease.

Most women would prefer a tighter body to a sloppier one, thus increasing physical attraction leads to increased sexual drive. Therefore weight loss can play a big role in bringing romance back into your life. It helps in enhancing the libido in both men and women and helps to sustain the rigorous activity involved in sexual intercourse for a longer period. Libido is the medical word for sexual desire. Research suggests that weight loss also helps in achieving more satisfying or more frequent orgasm and helps to get rid off impotence and erectile dysfunction.

A healthy body can only boost of a healthy sex life. To keep your body in a perfect shape, always try to indulge in a healthy lifestyle and proper exercise. In case of initiating weight loss process, you can opt for diet pills as well. The new breed of diet pills such as phentermine, adipex and xenical can help you realize your weight loss desire within a short span of time. So, control your weight and enhance your sexual life.

Rianpeter is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Visit the website for more information on Phentermine Diet Pills

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Weight loss is synonymous to good health

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Weight loss is synonymous to good health. Our health is a big asset which requires proper care and nurturing. A healthy diet pattern with a mix of regular exercise leads to a fit and trim body. Possessing a good physique gives us inner and outer confidence whereas an obese physique makes us dull and pessimistic. Apart from this, obesity or overweight breeds other diseases and makes our existence uncomfortable and unpleasant. Apart from causing physical torture, it often results in emotional suffering which is one of the most painful aspects of this ailment. Most of us have this notion that obesity is just a cosmetic problem but in reality, it's a health hazard. A person with excessive weight is twice as likely to die prematurely as compared to an average-weight person. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions such as diabetes and strokes. A weight increase of 11-18 pounds doubles the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in comparison to individuals with normal weight.

Diabetes and overweight is interrelated and due to this factor a term diabesity has been coined to signify the close association between obesity and diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is one of most prominent ailment found in obese people. This form of diabetes reduces body's ability to control blood sugar. The most alarming factor about this disease is that it is a major cause of early death, heart disease, stroke, and blindness. Overweight people are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to normal weight people.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to use sugar. Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells. The chances of its occurrence can be reduced by losing weight and exercising more.

If you have type 2 diabetes, losing weight and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. Increasing your physical activity may also allow you to reduce the amount of diabetes medication intake. Losing a small amount of weight can also reduce your chances of developing heart disease or a stroke and make your body ailment free. One of the easiest methods of weight loss is diet pills. Diet pills such as phentermine have helped millions of people in overcoming obesity so make it a part of your life for the benefit of your health.

Rianpeter is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Visit the website for more information on Phentermine Diet Pills. For questions, please send an email to

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Link between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss - Part 2

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Some of you may still do this, but remember when most people gave thanks, prayed, or said grace at the table? We can still be thankful to our family members or their company, the cook for his or her skill, to those who brought the food home, and to God, or your concept of a higher being, for your existence.

Meals should be for nutrition, bonding, and thanks. Meals should not be "wolfed down," while watching television or while driving in the car.

One of the aspects of Yoga, which is covered in a typical Yoga class, is that of mindfulness in every part of life. You become more conscious of your breathing, posture, speech, what you eat, and much more. Through steady Yoga practice, you learn to live life in the present moment and to appreciate what you have.

Some of us are rich in love, but have little money. Some of us are rich with money and have no one who really loves us. When you look at love or money both can be turned into good or bad situations. It is really up to us, whether we want to make the most of what we have.

Making the most out of simple pleasures is living life to its fullest potential. So, instead of "shoveling" your food away, Yoga students should take the time to enjoy the finer things in life. This is not to say that we should engage in gluttony, but instead to connect with your inner being at mealtime and be mindful of everything. Eat with your family, when possible, and make it a pleasant experience, together, at the kitchen table.

Your inner self or self is sometimes called "atman" or "jiva." This is the "creature" imprisoned within all of us. We all enjoy eating and want to savor every earthly pleasure to its fullest, but mindfulness makes us aware of much more than consumption of food and earthly pleasures. Therefore, mindfulness can be a natural dieting tool at mealtime.

How is this possible? When you see food - give thanks and tune into your senses. You do not have to give thanks verbally, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, but you should make it a mental exercise, before every meal. This will help your spiritual health and slow the pace of eating down.

The senses of sight, and smell, come into play long before your first bite, so take the time to be mindful of them after you have given thanks. Eat for the right reasons. Those reasons should be: your health and your life.

Eating should be nutritionally dense, in moderation, and in the best possible frame of mind. Be mindful of every bite, your digestive process, and all your senses. This pace will slow you down.

Thoroughly chew each bite and sip water during your meal. Yogis, and Yoginis, learn to pace their breath in Pranayama practice. Therefore, you should pace yourself in regard to eating and breathing at mealtime. You should not be short of breath while eating. If you are, you make eating into a stressful situation. You learn to breathe in Yoga class, and you should continue proper breath control at every possible moment.

If you work in a company that doesn't allow time for eating, eat small nutritionally dense snacks, and look for another job. Companies that function, in this way, are killing their employees with stress. This is not a harmonious atmosphere, and the stress will get you too.

Lastly, remember that weight control is not a mathematical formula. There are many intangibles that "fly under the radar." Science cannot yet accurately measure the power of your mind, commitment, and spiritual health.

Yoga is much more than an exercise class. At present, Yoga is the most complete health system known to humankind. Yoga encompasses mental, physical and spiritual health.

There are some Chinese internal martial arts systems that come close, but Yoga is the Mother of most Asian martial arts systems. How is this possible?

Bodidharma, an Indian Buddhist monk, taught a form of Yoga to the monks at the Shaolin temple for health maintenance. Due to his visit, the Shaolin temple became the birthplace of Ch'an Buddhism. Also resulting from this encounter, Chinese Kung Fu was born, and many styles of martial arts have continued to evolve to this day.

There is so much to learn about Yoga that none of us will be able to learn everything in one lifetime. The results of regular Yoga practice, and the lessons in mindfulness taught by a competent Yoga teacher, will help you control your weight and so much more.

Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is the director of Yoga teacher training at Aura in RI. He's a master instructor of martial arts and Yoga. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness. He wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students wanting to be a Yoga teacher.

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Hoodia..Mysterious Legend or Weight Loss Breakthrough

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Every two to three years a new "weight Loss" product that promises a fast and easy result arrives on the scene. 99% of which only work for 1% of the population or, as in some products don't work for anyone.

This year's biggest star appears to be Hoodia Gordonii. By now you have seen Hoodia on the news, read about Hoodia in popular magazines and more-then-likely have been reading up on Hoodia.

But exactly what is Hoodia and why all the hoopla?

Hoodia, although not actually a cactus, is part of the cactus like family, the succlents. Hoodia in the wild, is found in the arid, southwestern part of Africa and grows from only 2-3 feet tall. It has prickly spikes which must be scraped off to reveal the inner flesh. Hoodia or Xhoba, as it is called by the San people, contains a molecule called P57 that actually tricks the brain into believing that you are full.

Originally used by the San People to help quench thirst and stave off hunger during lean times and food gathering trips, Hoodia now is being used by thousands worldwide to help control their weight by reducing hunger and cravings.

So why is Hoodia so different from previous weight control products?

Other then suppressing hunger, Hoodia currently has no other known side effects. No racing heart, no nausea, no diarrhea, no keeping you up late at night.

Many Hoodia users find that they consume an average of 1,000 calories less per day. That's an average daily calorie savings of 50%. With a pound of fat being 3,500 calories you can see that it only takes approximately 30 days to lose 10 pounds.

No counting carbs, calories or purchasing special foods. You eat the foods you like, only less of them.

Hoodia, is relatively inexpensive. Unlike previous products, Hoodia is affordable.

Hoodia comes in several forms. There are pills, liquids, Coffee with Hoodia, Tea with Hoodia, chewy candy-like products and the list goes on. There is a Hoodia product to fit everyone's personality.

Are all Hoodia products alike? Absolutely not! Absolutely not! Absolutely not! I can't stress that enough.

Here is what you should look for in your Hoodia product.

The Hoodia plant has many cousins, which although can be called Hoodia they do not have the appetite suppressant power of Hoodia Gordonii. Only choose a Hoodia product that is made from Hoodia Gordonii.

Hoodia is now farmed in other areas of the world like China or Mexico. Only South African Hoodia Gordonii is premium Hoodia Gordonii.

Read your product label. Does your Hoodia product contain binders and fillers? If so, you are paying for added ingredients and are getting less Hoodia.

For maximum benefits you should be taking between 1,000 mgs - 3,000 mgs of Hoodia daily (1-3 grams). Check your product label to see how much Hoodia is in your product. If it's only 300 mgs per capsule you will need approximately 10 capsules per day for its full effect. If you choose a capsule, liquid or tea product that has 1,000 mgs per serving you will only need 3 servings per day. Although this product may appear on the surface to be more expensive it is actually less expensive per day.

Most people will feel Hoodia's appetite suppressant qualities the first day but it may take 3-5 days to feel the maximum effect, so give your product time to work.

In closing remember to choose a product that is pure South African Hoodia Gordonii, with no binders or fillers and take 1-3 grams per day for maximum effect. And always check first with your physician or health care practitioner before taking Hoodia or any appetite suppressant product as you may have an underlying health condition or prescription medication that would prohibit its use. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Follow the product label instructions and don't use more then the recommended dosage. Also know that Hoodia products have not been evaluated by the FDA and therefore they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Since Hoodia can drastically curb your appetite be sure to use your calories wisely. Choose fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, drink plenty of water and take a good vitamin-mineral product.

As a Hoodia fan, so far I have lost 28 pounds without being hungry or feeling deprived. For me, Hoodia is a weightloss breakthrough.

If you are interested in the latest weight loss products (including free samples)visit

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Is there such thing as the "magic" weight loss pill?

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Is there such thing as the "magic" weight loss pill?

Modern medicine has given us a number of miracles in a bottle. We have pills for arthritis, pills for heartburn, pills for heart trouble. We have pills that will help us wake up in the morning, pills that will help us digest our afternoon meal, and pills that will enable us to sleep at night. We live in a pill-popping society.

Because of the number of medications available, we often turn to pills to cure what ails us--no matter what our trouble might be. Whether it's physical or emotional, we may believe that medication will take care of the problem. As a result, it's not surprising that a number of us also turn to diet pills in an effort to control our weight.

There are a number of advantages to using diet pills when trying to fight fat. To begin with, diet pills are quick-acting--we may see results after only a little bit of time has elapsed. As a result, we may gain confidence and lose even more weight as a result of our success with diet pills. Other people--friends, relatives, co-workers--may notice our weight loss and may compliment us as a result. Consequently, we may be motivated to work even harder at our weight loss.

Diet pills are also convenient. We can keep them in our medicine cabinet or kitchen cupboard. We can take a pill in the morning and not have to worry about our weight for the rest of the day. We don't have to do a great deal of research, as is required when we are trying to determine which diet to try. In addition, taking a diet pill is hardly as strenuous as running five miles or swimming ten laps.

Moreover, diet pills can help us to shift some of the responsibility for losing weight to another entity. No longer is it simply up to us to control our weight. We look to the pill to resolve our weight problem, once and for all. This can help to lower our anxiety, reducing our stress level.

But there are also serious disadvantages to using diet pills. For instance, there is the possibility that we will become addicted to the medication. This can take a toll on not only our physical health, but our emotional health as well. We may become too dependent on the pills, expecting them to solve our weight problems.

Diet pills also teach us nothing about good nutrition. You do not have to learn about proper diet if you are depending on a pill to take your excess weight away. As a result, an individual may never discover the importance of healthy eating, and his or her overall health could suffer as a result.

In addition, there is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to weight loss. While you might lose weight for a time after taking diet pills, you could quickly regain the weight, once you go off the pills. As a result, diet pills fail to provide a life-long approach to healthy weight maintenance.

Given the pros and cons of diet pills, you might be wondering whether they would be right for you. Check with your family physician. He or she is in the best position to assess your overall health and determine whether diet pills would be appropriate in your particular case. Secondly, consider consulting with a nutritionist. He or she can help advise you about whether to take diet pills.

Diet pills are a huge industry within the U.S. So, there is a great deal of marketing, urging you to purchase these so-called wonder drugs. But, before you buy, you have to seriously consider whether these pills could jeopardize your health. While it may be important for you to lose weight, it is even more important for you to shield your body from harm.

Weight loss is not miraculous. It takes a great deal of dedication and perseverance. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will find the secret to weight loss in a bottle. By changing your diet and exercising, you might notice only incremental changes in your weight. However, over the long term, you might be better able to maintain healthy weight loss by sticking with the tried-and-true formula of diet and exercise.

Arnel Ricafranca is the President and Founder of Fitness VIP. He is the creator of "The Ultimate Weight Loss Success Strategies For Busy Men and Women Over 40." He is available for fitness seminars, personal training, and online personal training. Visit his website to claim your fitness gift ($50 real value)

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