Natural Herbal Weight Loss

Friday, November 30, 2007

Diet Pills-The Ultimate Solution for Weight Loss

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In today's fast paced world, diet pills are the most viable option foe weight loss. The best part about these diet pills is they are extremely user friendly. Therefore, for most of us when diet fails we turn to diet pills for fulfilling our weight loss desire. Diet pills such as Phentermine usually work as an appetite suppressant to control our food intake. They block the absorption of essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

But you should always remember that they're not used solely for cosmetic benefits. Weight reduction medications are never designed for trivial or cosmetic weight loss. They are chiefly designed with the prime motive of helping obese patients as part of an overall weight management program. The diet pills should never be used as a substitute for healthy eating and exercise.

Most of the studies on diet pills have emphasized on the fact that Obesity drugs are only effective when used in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise. There are two basic types of FDA-approved obesity pharmaceuticals: drugs that reduce appetite, and those that reduce fat-absorption. This genre of prescription drugs typically work on chemicals in the brain, leading to a reduction in appetite. Most of this FDA-approved diet pills are only meant for short-term use which means it should not be used in continuation for more than a year.

Some of the obesity drugs such as Xenical operates in the stomach and small intestine where it inhibits fat-digestion by up to 30 percent. Since it does not affect the brain, nervous system, or heart rate, this diet pill is considered a safe option for patients with hypertension or heart risks. Patients using this diet pill excrete all undigested fat, and therefore are advised to follow a low-fat eating plan to minimize discomfort.

So, it's absolutely true that diet pills can be considered as an ultimate solution for weight loss but it's most effective when combined with proper diet and exercise.r:Stuart William is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Visit the website for more information on Phentermine Diet Pills. For questions, please send an email to

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The Best Weight Loss Program

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The best weight loss program is NOT about diets, diet pills, fad diets, or even dieting. While it involves physical activity...we're all adults here, I'll use the is NOT about pushing your physical limits, embarrassing yourself in front of the neighbors, joining an expensive gym, or hiring a personal trainer. It is NOT about joining a cult, avoiding friends, alienating your family, eating only disgusting, uappealing and unappetizing foods or feeling guilty and depressed. Most of all, it should NEVER be about BEING ALONE in your struggle.


In it's simplest form, the best weight loss program is the one you will stick with. Let's modify that a little and say that it is a healthy, doable, rational, flexible program you will stick with...that works!


Diets don't work. Yep! That simple. Oh, if you want to drop 5 or 10 lbs to look good at your sister's wedding, a quick diet might be okay. But if you truly have a weight problem, as over 50% of Americans do, it is a lifelong condition and requires lifelong measures. However, don't consider yourself doomed to a life without pleasure or happiness, and don't give up. Go back and read the first paragraph, and realize that there are things that CAN be done, and YOU CAN DO THEM. In the meantime however, let me just cover a few facts. Quick and dirty. You can scan through them and just get the basics. This article is not going to be big enough, nor intimidating enough, to include everything.


Diets don't work for a lot of reasons, physical and mental, but I don't have enough space here to cover all of them. If you would like to read more on this, I have a webpage at that gives 10 reasons why diets don't work, and those aren't the only reasons, either. The main reason a diet will not work is that your body has some really effective self-regulating mechanisms. If you deprive it of it's expected calorie intake over a period of time, it will adjust itself to need less calories. Although you will be eating less (and definitely not enjoying it), your body will settle into a new pattern and your weight will level off with only a small weight loss. Even worse, when you stop dieting, as you know you will, the body will keep its new level of calorie need while you return to your old eating habits. This brings us to another point.


Everybody's body works to it's own rhythm and needs, but they all follow the same law. If you take in more calories than your body needs, it will store the excess as fat. Bottom line. Fact. End of discussion...almost. Using the information in the paragraph above, you can see that when you quit your diet and go back to eating the old way after your body has adjusted its needs downward, you now have MORE EXCESS CALORIES TO BE STORED AS FAT! This is why people often GAIN WEIGHT after a diet...or series of diets.


As you can see, you are back at the beginning of this discussion, but with a little more information. We can still say that the best weight loss program is the one you will stick with, and now you know a little more about why. Since we are all different, the obvious fact should be that what you need to find is not THE best weight loss program, but YOUR best weight loss program...the one YOU will stick with. The biq question in your mind is...


There are a lot of things you can do to improve your health, your life, and your personal weight situation, such as drink more water, get plenty of sleep, do things that you enjoy, for example. These can all contribute to weight loss, but let's just look at two things for now.

1. Become more active: Notice, I avoided saying, "exercise". Whoops! I said it. Look, exercise equals activity. If you want to do Richard Simmons' tapes and "Sweat to the Oldies", more power to you. If you choose to buy a Bowflex and in a few months look like the grandmother in their TV commercials, that's great! Odds are however, you just need to make some lifestyle adjustments and become more aware of the opportunities that exist to "exercise" in daily life. Oh sure, a planned and scheduled exercise program is great, but so is a walk, or gardening, or swimming, or cleaning house, or...well, you get the idea. The only need is to make it regular,at least 4 or 5 times a week, and to make it challenging.

Only you can assess what is challenging. What is challenging today may simply be walking out to the mailbox and back. One lady started her "exercise program" with that simple step (no pun intended). Another gentleman started his program by walking to the end of his block. That first day, he thought he wouldn't even be able to get back to his house. A few weeks later, he was walking over a mile. At one point in my life, I regularly ran over 6 miles at a time. However, the first time I ever tried to run, I didn't make it half a block. The key is to get started, do it regularly, and challenge yourself.

Becoming more active not only burns calories during the activity (remember, the more calories burned the less fat stored), but continuing the activity over time (you were going to do it regularly) causes your body to shift to a new level where it automatically burns more calories than it used to. The facts behind this are not complicated but require a lot more space than we have here, and I did say I was going to keep to the basics.

People drop out of "exercise programs" for a lot of reasons. For your purposes, do the activity as it fits in your schedule, pick the activity that pleases you, and vary the activity...if you cleaned house yesterday, take a walk today. By the way, if I told you to exercise, to take a walk, you might begin that avoidance process that makes people drop out of formal, planned exercise programs. Why don't you take the grandkids to the zoo instead? If that isn't a workout, I don't know what is. Be creative. It's your "exercise program", make it what you want it to be.

2. Eat sensibly: You know how you SHOULD be eating, right! Back to basics. Lots of vegetables, cut down on portion sizes, have an apple instead of pie or a candy bar. Take the sugar out of your life. There are all kinds of diet tips running around. Not a single one of them is worth a hill of beans...but a bunch of them add up to a lot more than a hill of beans. Changing only one thing is probably not going to make a big difference, but...IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! changing seventeen things might make quite a difference, but there's a secret...

Don't try to make all seventeen, or twelve, or thirty changes all at once. Start with one change, and once it is part of your life, make the next one. You might want to learn a little bit about Kaizen. Small steps in the nutrition area will help get you where you want to go eventually, just as taking that small walk out to the mailbox may someday lead to walking one or two miles at a time.


Well, for the rest of your life. That's why it is important to choose activities you enjoy and learn to make better nutrition choices while still enjoying the pleasure of eating. Also, many people have weight loss problems because they have personal issues with life. Your personal weight loss program, regular activity plus nutritional common sense, equals a sense of control over a situation that produces many negative affects in your life. A sense of control over that situation allows you to remove many of those negative affects and move on to rearrange other parts of your life that may need attention.

One last point. I have kept this as simple as possible, but it is based on a large body of information. If you truly want to create the most effective weight loss program for you, you will have to learn a lot more than you probably know now. The public library is a good place to start, as is the internet.

The author's interest in fitness and health began in 1970 when he first read Dr. Kenneth Cooper's "Aerobics". Find more weight loss tips at . You can find additional articles on fitness, health, and weight loss at

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Weight Loss Issues-Can You Be Cellulite Free

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One thing I really must say at the outset of this article is, that if you were to ask the majority of men to define cellulite they would most probably be completely baffled.

Then after you explained it to them in detail and told them that you suffered from it, more likely than not the reaction would be to look at you as if you were slightly mad, shrug their shoulders and say that they had actually never noticed it.

So one consolation I suppose, is that most men apparently just do not see it and do not know what all the fuss is about!

(They can be wonderful sometimes can't they!)

>From a womans point of view however, cellulite is at best something which restricts what she can or cannot wear, or at worst in extreme cases something which can be downright unsightly.

If we are being brutally honest, dimples on our cheeks can be really cute, but dimples on our thighs and our buttocks most certainly are not.

It has been described as the dreaded "orange peel look" especially in relation to female thighs and buttocks.

Many women can literally spend absolute fortunes to try and find ways to eliminate it.

Having established that it is a big problem (for the majority of women at least), I find myself coming back to the question in my title - Is it possible to be totally free of cellulite!

In truth I think sadly that as things stand at themoment probably not, but there are many many steps that can be taken to minimise the unsightly look of cellulite, and my intention in this article is to outline just a few of them.

It does really help if we try and understand some of the main causes of cellulite, and what if anything we can effectively do to both reduce the unsightly appearance (in our eyes at least), and even to try and banish it completely.

We should remember that the primary cause of cellulite is weight gain, and if a woman does gain excess weight the layers of fat under the skin expand, but sadly not in a smooth uniform way.

We have the female hormone estrogen which promotes fat on the thighs and buttocks to thank for this.

When fat cells start to build up on the lower half of the female body, they are more likely to multiply and press against the skin. This process creates the bulged and dimpled look of the dreaded cellulite, and with very very few exceptions, it is completely a feminine problem.

Another important factor is that as we age our skin also tends to lose its tautness, particularly so if we do not take any forms of regular exercise.

So having now determined the main causes of cellulite,let us look in some detail at some of the choices available to us to try and minimize the effects of it.

The first choice is that you can learn to live with it!

Yes, I do actually mean that!

At the end of the day it is not going to detract from you as a woman, and there is no reason whatsoever why you cannot still be very attractive.

Do not let it become an obsession under any circumstances!

The second and for me personally, the most important choice available is to make a seriously determined and long term effort to lose those unnecessary extra pounds. I strongly recommend a low fat diet as the first and vital step to take if you are to succeed in fighting this battle.

Make it a top priority to become much more active!

Simple changes such as walking more frequently, taking up a sport that you really could enjoy(perhaps something you did in the past), or alternatively taking the time to join a few exercise classes, are just some examples.

Join those exercise classes which concentrate primarily on hips buttocks and thighs. This will greatly help in improving and toning up those areas affected by cellulite.

Your third choice is to try out some of the many creams that you can purchase. Use these with a deep massaging technique which will help improve the overall appearance of the cellulite areas.

The fourth and most drastic choice is liposuction which removes excess fat. Another such process is Endermologie, a mechanical massage that will smooth out the dimples.

These methods can be really expensive, so you will have to be prepared to dig deep for them.

Useful Quick Fix Tips To Disguise Cellulite.

Fake Tan - Apply the fake tan normally, but just before you are going to show your legs, rub a layer of hair serum (yes the stuff you use to stop frizz), along your shinbone. This makes the thinner area of your shinbone much more prominent, and will therefore help to disguise those parts which are less firm in appearance.

Wear The Right Shoes - Heels or wedges will make your legs appear much longer, but beware of ankle straps and flat shoes. They really do make your legs look considerably shorter and fatter.

Take a tip from the celebrities. They wear heels with trousers and jeans, and have them made so that the trousers end about an inch below the ankle. The effect of this is to make their legs look really long and slim.

Draw The Eyes Upwards - If you are wearing your jeans on a night out for example, by either wearing a bulky necklace, a glittery scarf, or maybe even a Wonderbra and a V Necked top (if you are feeling slightly daring), you will distract attention away from your thighs.

Wear dark colors as they make your bottom parts look much slimmer.

Try out a Fast Fix Treatment - Treat yourself by going to a beauty salon, and indulge in one of their cellulite instant fix procedures. These can be very expensive but they really do make your thighs look smoother and sleeker.

Unfortunately though, these procedures only last for a short length of time.

The majority of women would love to have thinner cellulite free thighs, but do please remember that it is your overall appearance which matters most.

If you look and feel attractive in yourself that will be the way that others will also see you.

Remember that the aim here is for improvement not perfection. Cellulite has been a femimine curse (as women see it), since the beginning of time. As yet no one has come up with either an instant or indeed permanent cure.

However until they do, and one day somebody just might, stay focussed on your overall health, take serious and meaningful steps to lose weight, and maintain a good exercise program.

That way you can at the very least keep the whole thing in perspective, and in so doing, maintain your self confidence and self esteem at a much higher level than it would otherwise have been.

Marie K Gordon is Author and Publisher of "Your Fastest Way To Permanent Weight Loss" the complete solution to all your weight loss problems. You can find out more by visiting

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Weight loss and Teenagers

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Obesity has ruined the lives of people of all ages. In most of the countries, a large number of obese population belongs to the teenage group. The worst part about obesity is that it influences the psyche of a person and ignites negative feeling about his own self. The teenagers inflicted with obesity starts to isolate himself/herself from the common people as he/she lacks self-confidence.

The best way of overcoming obesity ( for teenagers is to inculcate healthy eating habit instead of eating junk stuff. There is no single healthy diet as such but as long as you eat a variety of foods from the main food groups i.e. fruits, vegetables, grains, lean meats, dairy, fats, you?ll get all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrition required for possessing a healthy body.

Eating healthy is better than eating less. Dieting is never considered a healthy and viable option for weight loss as it can damage our physicality. Even a short period of very strict "dieting" during your early teens can lead to low bone density, which causes weak bones in later life. Dieting may also lead to poor intakes of folic acid and iron. Both these nutrients help to prevent anemia, a condition which leads to constant tiredness as well as impaired intellectual performance. Normally, all the teenagers lead a busy life therefore they can't afford to suffer from the ill-effects of anemia or any other ailment for that matter.

Most of us have this notion that healthy eating means exclusion of higher-calorie foods, like rich ice cream, toffee popcorn, cheeseburgers and stuff. But in reality it?s the other way around. You can enjoy these and other similar foods, but in moderation, or as occasional treats. Healthy eating means eating everything in moderation as it can provide our body all the required nutrients.

Strict dieting won't make your weight or health any better. In most of the cases, it?ll make the situation worse. Therefore, it?s better to focus on eating healthy food and taking daily exercise. It will take care of your weight and health.

Want to know more about obesity and other ailments related to it, than visit

Kate Winnie is an associated editor to the website . It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, diet pills, and online prescription drugs like Phentermine, Didrex by latest news, personal views, and articles on weight loss related topics.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Celebrity Weight Loss - How You Can Use The Diet And Weight Loss Programs Of The Stars

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Why is it that celebrities always seem to be thinner, sexier and more beautiful that us? What weight loss secrets do they use to get that way? Is it a diet, a diet pill, Weight Watchers, or what? It seems that if we could only get the inside information on the new celebrity weight loss program or weight loss pill, then we'd be almost guaranteed to experience fast weight loss of our own.

Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, Denise Richards, Janet Jackson, Daryl Hannah, Whitney Houston, Kirstie Alley and many other celebrities have all been in the news lately because of their own personal weight issues. This article looks at what weight loss strategies have worked for these and other celebrities, and how we can apply these same tactics to our own situation.

* Most Celebrities Are Thinner Than Us:

Despite the few celebrity weight loss failures, there's no denying that most celebrities look better than we do. Models, for example, are 23 percent leaner than the average (source: Perhaps their trim appearance is part of the reason why we, as a nation, have such a fascination with the celebrity lifestyle.

Indeed, we typically reward and idolize the more slender celebrities. Just a quick look at People Magazine's list of the '50 Most Beautiful People 2005' reveals that only the lean made the list. People's 'Most Beautiful Women of 2005' list reveals the same thing - celebrities (at least the popular ones) are more thin than we are.

Even when we do find a celebrity that doesn't look like a stick figure, invariably we find that they have recently lost some weight. "No longer a crash dieter, Oprah Winfrey.....who at her heaviest was 237 lbs., has been eating right, sticking to lean protein and hitting the gym as she aims for her "safe zone" in the 150-lb. range. "Maybe for the first time, she's doing it for all the right reasons," says trainer Bob Greene of the talk-show queen's workouts (source:

* How Do They Do It?

Even though celebrities do make diet and nutrition mistakes, the majority of them are still thinner than us. So how do the stars achieve quick weight loss when we battle and fight just to lose a few pounds? Is there some secret weight loss product or weight loss plan they're keeping hidden from us?

The secret is that there is no secret. Celebrities try the same diets we have, including the South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet and countless others. There is no mysterious diet plan or diet product that works for every celebrity all the time, just as there is no such plan that will work for every one of us.

Celebrities that are successful in achieving a healthy weight loss generally do so with a nutritious weight loss diet and regular exercise. Take a look at these examples:

"I think Oprah Winfrey wins the weight battle of 2004 -- she looks fabulous.....Look at her, she's never looked better. She's been skinnier -- that's true -- but she's never looked better." "Oprah should set the standard for Hollywood weight loss," Paula says. "She's been very open about it. She's been up, she's been down, she's been wide, she's been skinny." She continues: "She didn't do the surgery and she doesn't really do the fad diets. She eats healthy, she has a personal trainer and she works really hard at it" (source:

Denise Richards put on 30 lbs. while carrying Lola (born June 1), but Richards had a secret weight-loss weapon: "It's called the Stress Diet," she says, half-joking, - and alluding to having filed for divorce (from Charlie Sheen) in her sixth month of pregnancy. But mostly she can thank her work with trainer Garrett Warren: She's been kickboxing and doing abdominal exercises four to six times weekly - and adhering to a portion-controlled diet (source:

"All eyes were on the miraculous weight loss of Hollywood in 2004," Paula says. "But there's no real miracle about it, it's exercise, it's eating right and sometimes -- it's surgery!" (Source:

* Why Does It Work For Them And Not For Us?

It's no surprise that eating the right foods and exercising regularly will help us achieve our ideal weight. So why is it that celebrities seem to have so much more success than we do? There are three reasons why the stars lose weight faster than the average American: 1) Celebrities have more time than we do. 2) Celebrities have more money than we do. 3) Celebrities have a bigger incentive to stay fit and trim.

Although they do work long hours while touring or filming, there's no denying that the stars have more disposable time than we do. When you're rich enough to hire a nanny, a driver, a personal chef and many other assistants to take over the time-consuming tasks of life for you, it's easy to find more time to exercise.

"Singer Jessica Simpson started a new exercise routine to get in shape for her role as Daisy Duke in the upcoming Dukes of Hazard movie. Her workout includes two HOURS a day of squats and lunges and has motivated her to create a new workout video. "I have a white-girl bootie, so I'm doing all my squats to lift it a little bit and get some junk in my trunk," says Jessica (source:

"Usher's been workin' on his abs since he was 16, but claims that it's all because of good genes.....hard work and being disciplined - oh yeah, and 1,000 CRUNCHES a day. Usher also has a daily routine he calls "forty minutes of funk" which includes stretchin', skippin' and jumping jacks. Then he moves onto push-ups, leg raises and tricep dips.....can you say fitness freak!" (source:

Not only do celebrities have the time to exercise for hours on end, but they typically have the money to hire the absolute best weight loss support team. Julia Roberts, for example, earns an estimated $25,000,000 each year. Cameron Diaz earns $20,000,000 annually. Angelina Jolie pulls down about $12,000,000 each year and Reese Witherspoon gets a $15,000,000 yearly paycheck (source: With that much cash on hand, the stars can easily afford to hire the best personal trainers, the best nutritionists, the best dietitians and the best personal chefs.

"Celebrities also have the luxury of personal trainers and nutritionists to help them with rigorous diet regimes" (source:

With a personal chef to prepare every meal, celebrities find it easier to follow a low fat diet. A registered dietitian in the house makes it easy for stars to get a unique diet recipe or any other weight loss information they want. Simply put, having the salary of a celebrity makes it easier to lose weight.

Indeed, it's that same high salary that gives celebrities their incredible incentive to stay slender. The blunt truth of the matter is that Hollywood and the entertainment industry is not kind to overweight stars, often shunning them in favor of 'thin beauty'. Celebrities see a very real connection between their weight and their earnings power, which gives them the motivation they need to keep trying when many others would give up.

Statistics show that approximately two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that 80 percent of overweight individuals and almost 87 percent of obese individuals are trying to lose or maintain their weight. As a nation, we're trying to win the battle of the bulge, but we often lack the motivation to consistently exercise and eat right. How much easier would that struggle be if there were a $25,000,000 prize waiting for us when we reached our goal weight?

* How We Can Use The Diet And Weight Loss Programs Of The Stars:

Although most Americans can't afford the same support staff hired by the celebrities, we can learn from their success and use that information to achieve our own health and fitness goals. Here's what we can do to copy the weight control tactics of celebrities:

1) Find an exercise program that takes less time. 2) Search for free diet information and free weight loss information. 3) Earn and keep more money by losing weight.

First of all, it's time to face reality that most of us will never have hours each day to dedicate to exercise like the celebrities do. That's not an excuse to quit! Instead, find an exercise routine that will get results in a shorter period of time. A great example is circuit training, where you get aerobic and resistance exercise at the same time. By combining these two types of workout into one, it's entirely possible to get real fat loss results in only thirty minutes each day.

Some time-strapped celebrities use circuit training to achieve their fitness goals. Matthew McConaughey, for example, ".....was circuit training - combining cardiovascular exercise with muscle-strengthening moves....." (source: STAR Magazine 11-14-05).

Circuit training works, especially for those of us short on time. As an example, consider Pick Up The Pace 30-Minute Workout For Women. This is a health club that offers hydraulic circuit training and has seen gym members accomplish incredible results. As reported on their website, member Minnie lost 10.5 inches during the month of February 2005. Vymell C. lost 9.5 inches the same month. The site also reports that Betty K. joined Pick Up The Pace in January, 2003. By September, 2004 she had lost 50 inches, and dropped from a size 18 to an 8. Stacie Y. lost 68 pounds, 54 1/4 inches, and dropped 6 sizes.

The next thing we can do to mimic celebrity weight loss success is find free diet information and free weight loss information. The truth about health and fitness is out there, and much of it is free.

Finally, we can copy celebrity weight loss by giving ourselves a real cash incentive to lose weight. While we probably won't ever hit that $25,000,000 payday, we can earn and keep more money by losing weight. It's true! Losing weight will help us earn and save more money. "Studies have consistently shown that obese employees are paid less than normal-weight employees doing similar jobs" (source:

A comprehensive study of wages in 1998 found that obese workers earn significantly less than than non-obese employees. How much less? About $3.41 per hour! This discrepancy was found only in those workers who had employer-sponsored health insurance, perhaps suggesting that the higher costs of insuring obese individuals was being passed on to the employees themselves. (Source: Bundorf and co-author Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at the Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research).

So it's possible that losing weight could eventually add substantially to our paycheck! But did you know that losing weight may also lower the amount of money we personally pay out in medical costs? According to a study published in Health Affairs recently, obese Americans pay $732 more for health care each year than do normal-weight adults. Is that as much as a celebrity earns each year? Of course not - but it is a cash incentive for us to lose weight!

Celebrities will always have the advantage when it comes to weight loss. But with some extra effort we can achieve the same results!* Tracie Johanson is the founder of Pick Up The Pace, a 30-minute exercise studio for women, focusing on fitness, health and nutrition for maximum weight loss. Please visit for more information.

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Medifast Weight Loss

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Using the Medifast Diet? Medifast Diets are meal replacement programs that helps most people lose weight faster than traditional food-based diet plans. Medifast products come in individual packets that you mix with water to create a "shake" similar to an instant breakfast drink. Medifast is available in a wide variety of flavors as well as several alternate choices including protein bars, creamy soups, chili, oatmeal and hot cocoa. Medifast Diets help you to lose weight.

How does Medifast work? The clinically proven results of Medifast are based on the use of a defined formula diet. The program was carefully designed to create a gap between the calories you take in and the amount your body needs. Each nutritionally balanced meal replacement is formulated with a proven combination of carbohydrates and protein to allow you to successfully lose weight without losing muscle.

How fast do you lose? Women average 2 to 4 pounds a week, men slightly faster (up to five pounds a week or more). Medifast low calorie diets require medical monitoring to minimize the potential for health risks.

Is it safe? Medifast programs have been recommended by over 15,000 physicians and used by over one million customers. Medifast has been providing a clinically proven approach to weight loss and nutrition for over 20 years.

Medifast is offered direct to the public. This makes it available to people of all sizes, not just the very obese or health-challenged patient. While the Medifast program still recommends physician involvement, the products are offered by "Health Advisors", who are expected to provide ongoing support, encouragement, and information to the clients. Health advisors are offered training opportunities to enable them to assist clients with long-term lifestyle changes, as well as short-term diet goals. Food can be ordered online, and there is a medical hotline number available to answer questions about being on the Medifast food plans. It is also not an exclusively liquid diet. It includes bars, chili, oatmeal, and crackers in addition to shakes and soups. To get started with the Medifast Program, please see Medifast Diet.

Janice is a health writer for

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weight Loss Formula

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fast Weight Loss Tips and The Best Supplements

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



Oh, my the dreaded Holiday Season has come and gone and all you have to show forth is extra pounds. Sure the parties were fun, the family gatherings were unforgettable and gift giving made you feel great. There is only one left over problem to take care of. Too much eating led you to weigh too much. Here are some fast weight loss tips and some of the best supplements to help you burn the fat.

Fast weight loss tips begin with your eating habits. Many foods eaten over the holidays contained large amounts of fat and sugar. Two deadly sins to your body. It's time to cut them both out, or atleast cut way back. It was so nice for others to make all that food and set it out so you could feast, but the holidays are over and you need to get back in those pants again. Fat and sugars are stored in your body until burned away and let's face it, who's been exercising. Cut back on the amount of fat and sugar products and you'll almost instantly lose weight.

Another fast weight loss tip is to lower your carbohydrate intake. We all have heard of the low-carb diet, but it is quickly losing the interest of Amercians because we get bored fast. Lowering carbs does work though! By doing so you will cause your body to burn more fat for energy by reducing what you have stored up over the passed few weeks. Lowering carbs, cutting back on fats and elimnating too much sugar will dramatically lower your weight fast. You will have turned your body into a fat burning furnace and the pounds will come off.

Now let's get to some of the best weight loss supplements used to increase the amount of weight lost and speed up the process. Some of the hottest supplements are ephedra free thermogenics like Stacker, or Hydroxycut. The new ephedra free formula is free from harmful side effects and will tell your body to turn up the fat burning temperature gauge to shed pounds quick. Other great supplements are CLA, Pyruvate and weight loss shakes. That's right a shake. Try taking in a weight loss shake instead of apple pie and you'll feel full and won't crave sweets.

The most important ingredient in any diet program is water. Water is the most abundant product in your body and it is needed for every function of the body. Taking in 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water will do wonders. It gets rid of waste, makes sure all your organs operate at peak performance and will help keep you from getting a lot of illnesses. Just by adding more water to your diet.

Here's the last and the worst weight loss tip-Exercise. Yes, it's true. You must get some exercise, but it doesn't have to be hours a day all week long. Just get up and do something to get your heart and blood pumping atleast for a little while. 30 minutes a day at 4 days a week is recommended. Whether it's walking, jogging, or just playing around with the kids-Get Up and Get Moving!

There are many other fast weight loss tips and supplements, however, these few ideas will take off the extra pounds in a very short amount of time. To measure progress only get on the scale once a week because your weight can change daily. You can expect to see result within a week.

Some fast weight loss tips and supplements recap:
Lower your fat intake
Keep sugars to a minimum
Take ephedra free supplements, CLA, Pyruvate, or weight loss shakes
Up your water intake
Most importantly-Get Moving!

Staying healthy isn't easy. It takes work, dedication and the right information. OCD Supplements is dedicated to helping you reach your fitness goals with supplements and diet programs. You can do it!

Fitness and supplement experts at OCD Supplements. Giving you the best information and products for overall health.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Heat Up" New Year Weight Loss With An Ir Bodywrap

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE




Did you know your could lie back, breath deeply & burn 900+ calories in 1 hour?

Neither did I?

And it sounded too good to be true so I did some research on my own to find out about this seemingly wonderful bodywrap treatment.

First I had to try it. Let?s face it if it doesn?t feel great and get results it isn?t worth doing all of the research on finding out how it works and all the rest. So I dressed up in my cotton sweats and drove up to Ventura California to try it out. Hydrating and drinking my water as I headed up highway 101.

Before the bodywrap, I measured the circumference of my upper arms, ribcage, waist, hips and upper thighs before the first treatment and kept it as a reference. I was really skeptical, but you never know unless you try it. I didn?t expect to have any change.

I laid down on a table and 6 large warm pads were wrapped around my upper arms, waist, hips and thighs. Then I was covered with a blanket and padded with towels where it was appropriate and it was that easy. I could hear relaxing music and actually it was wonderful to do a breathing meditation and actually take an hour for myself.

Now I?m sort of a lizard ? I love the heat ? so the pads got warmer and warmer and I broke put is a good sweat. I continued to sweat, a lot. I hadn?t sweat that much since the dance classes I had loved back at Broadway Dance center a few summers ago in New York City and I knew I would love this treatment. I had been busy building a business and going back to school so I had not been keeping myself in shape like I did before. I had a thought that this bodywrap thing might be a good way to start to get myself back on track.

After an hour, I was drenched ? and very happy. I re-measured myself and lost 3 inches total. Not much, but the treatment felt so good it didn?t matter too much and I drove home drinking another huge bottle of water. The gentleman who helped me with the treatment said that the process would continue overnight after the bodywrap had finished and the more fluids the better so I took his advice and planned to measure myself again in the morning.

To my surprise, after measuring myself the next morning I had lost 13 inches total! Wow! I called them up and they said that this was more than average ? maybe because I have a good diet and stayed hydrated ? but regardless I was psyched. I had to learn more?

So how does this Infrared BodyWrap Work?

Infrared light, which we feel in our bodies as heat is an abundant form of energy we receive from sunlight. We as humans radiate infrared heat every second of every day (The army uses infrared binoculars for night vision ? to see humans in the darkness). It is part of our human biology. I would discover that FAR Infrared treatments are used worldwide by medical practitioners as they are one of the most resonant (closely matched) forms of heat for the human body.

Radiant Heat or Infrared energy is a form of energy that is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Everything can be described by electrical principles after all we are all electrons protons and neutrons arranged in different patterns. The infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum happens just below red light waves and is not visible to human eyes but can be felt as heat. (This explains the night vision binoculars example above). The sun produces most of its energy in the form of infrared energy, our atmosphere allows it in and the earth radiates it back ? living out in nature we are daily surrounded by infrared waves. But not so - in these days of indoor living, SPF sunblock and hiding away from the sun.

Our bodies, on average, radiate infrared energy at about 9.4 microns. The internal production of infrared energy that normally occurs within us is associated with a number of healing responses and may require a boost to assist the fullest healing response to assist homeostasis, metabolism and tissue under repair.

As related to Oriental / Chinese Medicine, when our circulation is impeded (described as Blocked Qi flow in Chinese Medicine) our body?s healing capacity, metabolism, and daily functioning are diminished. By enhancing circulation, the infrared therapeutic treatment is helping to unblock the Qi and increase energy and improve body function. Moxa, cupping, Infrared lamps and gua sha are related but different methods of achieving the same result in an Oriental Medicine Treatment.

Because of this special nature of the wavelength, when applied as a treatment, FAR Infrared heat therapy (i.e. bodywrap) activates a more thorough and extensive stimulation of local circulation which positively impacts enzymes, metabolism & immune function. The IR therapy helps the body get at toxins & cellulite trapped in the tissue through this increase in circulation and metabolism. The bodywrap treatment I had received had ?super charged? this process.

So how does all this calorie burning happen?

The amount of sweat an infrared treatment can induce is 2-3 times that of a conventional sauna without creating that claustrophobic feeling, without drying out the sauna or causing undue stress on the cardiovascular system. I know I can barely stay in a regular sauna for 10 minutes ? I lasted easily 1 hour in this bodywrap treatment.

The best research on this type of infrared treatment has described ?Its regular use may be as effective as a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories as regular exercise.? in the Journal of the American Medical Association 8/7/81. In fact, NASA in the early 1980?s concluded that infrared therapy would be an ideal way to stimulate cardiovascular function during long space missions.

Someone not used to saunas can easily sweat 500 grams and consume 300 kcalories which is the equivalent of jogging for 30 minutes. The bodywrap is a great in between workouts way to ease the stiffness and once becoming acclimated to the sauna - burning up to 900+ calories are achieved each session. But remember ? Hydration is very important you need to constantly replenish the fluids to see results.

The benefits of Infrared Therapy are impressive. Research from Sweden, Japan, Finland, China and Germany cite an impressive list of conditions that can be treated, including:

Arthritis & Joint Stiffness - Acne -Soft Tissue Injuries - Menstrual Pain - Eczema - Wound Healing - Neurodermatitis - GI Problems - Cardiovascular Circulation - Pain & Stiffness - Endocrine, Immune and Autonomic Function.

The FDA has approved the use of FAR infrared treatment for pain relief and more is learned each day. I have more research to do but this was good enough for me. I decided that I wanted to try it again and learn more.

So now I offer it in my practice and medspa? I hope that I?ve opened your eyes to something that might be new, different and helpful. I?ve given you a place to start if it sounds interesting to you as well. Or come experience it for yourself if you?re in the Los Angeles Area. I think you?ll be pleasantly surprised.

 Debra Clydesdale LAc DNBAO is President of the Oriental Med SPA. She has been helping people lead healthier lives for over 15 years offering specialized anti-aging, facial renewal, and orthopoedic treatments, products and services with roots in Oriental Medicine and Chinese Nutrition. Learn more at

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Heat Up" New Year Weight Loss With An Ir Bodywrap

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE




Did you know your could lie back, breath deeply & burn 900+ calories in 1 hour?

Neither did I?

And it sounded too good to be true so I did some research on my own to find out about this seemingly wonderful bodywrap treatment.

First I had to try it. Let?s face it if it doesn?t feel great and get results it isn?t worth doing all of the research on finding out how it works and all the rest. So I dressed up in my cotton sweats and drove up to Ventura California to try it out. Hydrating and drinking my water as I headed up highway 101.

Before the bodywrap, I measured the circumference of my upper arms, ribcage, waist, hips and upper thighs before the first treatment and kept it as a reference. I was really skeptical, but you never know unless you try it. I didn?t expect to have any change.

I laid down on a table and 6 large warm pads were wrapped around my upper arms, waist, hips and thighs. Then I was covered with a blanket and padded with towels where it was appropriate and it was that easy. I could hear relaxing music and actually it was wonderful to do a breathing meditation and actually take an hour for myself.

Now I?m sort of a lizard ? I love the heat ? so the pads got warmer and warmer and I broke put is a good sweat. I continued to sweat, a lot. I hadn?t sweat that much since the dance classes I had loved back at Broadway Dance center a few summers ago in New York City and I knew I would love this treatment. I had been busy building a business and going back to school so I had not been keeping myself in shape like I did before. I had a thought that this bodywrap thing might be a good way to start to get myself back on track.

After an hour, I was drenched ? and very happy. I re-measured myself and lost 3 inches total. Not much, but the treatment felt so good it didn?t matter too much and I drove home drinking another huge bottle of water. The gentleman who helped me with the treatment said that the process would continue overnight after the bodywrap had finished and the more fluids the better so I took his advice and planned to measure myself again in the morning.

To my surprise, after measuring myself the next morning I had lost 13 inches total! Wow! I called them up and they said that this was more than average ? maybe because I have a good diet and stayed hydrated ? but regardless I was psyched. I had to learn more?

So how does this Infrared BodyWrap Work?

Infrared light, which we feel in our bodies as heat is an abundant form of energy we receive from sunlight. We as humans radiate infrared heat every second of every day (The army uses infrared binoculars for night vision ? to see humans in the darkness). It is part of our human biology. I would discover that FAR Infrared treatments are used worldwide by medical practitioners as they are one of the most resonant (closely matched) forms of heat for the human body.

Radiant Heat or Infrared energy is a form of energy that is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Everything can be described by electrical principles after all we are all electrons protons and neutrons arranged in different patterns. The infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum happens just below red light waves and is not visible to human eyes but can be felt as heat. (This explains the night vision binoculars example above). The sun produces most of its energy in the form of infrared energy, our atmosphere allows it in and the earth radiates it back ? living out in nature we are daily surrounded by infrared waves. But not so - in these days of indoor living, SPF sunblock and hiding away from the sun.

Our bodies, on average, radiate infrared energy at about 9.4 microns. The internal production of infrared energy that normally occurs within us is associated with a number of healing responses and may require a boost to assist the fullest healing response to assist homeostasis, metabolism and tissue under repair.

As related to Oriental / Chinese Medicine, when our circulation is impeded (described as Blocked Qi flow in Chinese Medicine) our body?s healing capacity, metabolism, and daily functioning are diminished. By enhancing circulation, the infrared therapeutic treatment is helping to unblock the Qi and increase energy and improve body function. Moxa, cupping, Infrared lamps and gua sha are related but different methods of achieving the same result in an Oriental Medicine Treatment.

Because of this special nature of the wavelength, when applied as a treatment, FAR Infrared heat therapy (i.e. bodywrap) activates a more thorough and extensive stimulation of local circulation which positively impacts enzymes, metabolism & immune function. The IR therapy helps the body get at toxins & cellulite trapped in the tissue through this increase in circulation and metabolism. The bodywrap treatment I had received had ?super charged? this process.

So how does all this calorie burning happen?

The amount of sweat an infrared treatment can induce is 2-3 times that of a conventional sauna without creating that claustrophobic feeling, without drying out the sauna or causing undue stress on the cardiovascular system. I know I can barely stay in a regular sauna for 10 minutes ? I lasted easily 1 hour in this bodywrap treatment.

The best research on this type of infrared treatment has described ?Its regular use may be as effective as a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories as regular exercise.? in the Journal of the American Medical Association 8/7/81. In fact, NASA in the early 1980?s concluded that infrared therapy would be an ideal way to stimulate cardiovascular function during long space missions.

Someone not used to saunas can easily sweat 500 grams and consume 300 kcalories which is the equivalent of jogging for 30 minutes. The bodywrap is a great in between workouts way to ease the stiffness and once becoming acclimated to the sauna - burning up to 900+ calories are achieved each session. But remember ? Hydration is very important you need to constantly replenish the fluids to see results.

The benefits of Infrared Therapy are impressive. Research from Sweden, Japan, Finland, China and Germany cite an impressive list of conditions that can be treated, including:

Arthritis & Joint Stiffness - Acne -Soft Tissue Injuries - Menstrual Pain - Eczema - Wound Healing - Neurodermatitis - GI Problems - Cardiovascular Circulation - Pain & Stiffness - Endocrine, Immune and Autonomic Function.

The FDA has approved the use of FAR infrared treatment for pain relief and more is learned each day. I have more research to do but this was good enough for me. I decided that I wanted to try it again and learn more.

So now I offer it in my practice and medspa? I hope that I?ve opened your eyes to something that might be new, different and helpful. I?ve given you a place to start if it sounds interesting to you as well. Or come experience it for yourself if you?re in the Los Angeles Area. I think you?ll be pleasantly surprised.

 Debra Clydesdale LAc DNBAO is President of the Oriental Med SPA. She has been helping people lead healthier lives for over 15 years offering specialized anti-aging, facial renewal, and orthopoedic treatments, products and services with roots in Oriental Medicine and Chinese Nutrition. Learn more at

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Exercises For Weight Loss

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Weight Loss With An Ancient Chinese Twist

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE




Weight Loss with an ?Ancient Chinese Twist?

Acupuncture Weight Loss Solutions

I remember the first time I took Chinese herbs. One of my patients told me ?You look really tired ? Here take these herbs? and handed me a bagful of different colored packages. It hurt to have it put so bluntly, but it was true, I was building a business, working long hours and feeling a bit drained, so I listened and took them home to use that night. One was a peach green tea that tasted like the Snapple I had been drinking earlier that day, one was an ?interesting tasting? dark green liquid which I took with an OJ chaser and the third was a powder that I mixed up with OJ, water and soy milk to make a citrus smoothie. Not bad I thought, for Chinese herbs? And then something amazing happened. I felt full! Little did I know at that time I had been given the key to my natural weight loss that I still maintain 15 years later.

I loved it! I had never felt full before in my life. I had been struggling with being thin since childhood. I had learned when to stop eating in order to not gain weight; I knew all kinds of tricks like drinking water before a meal and getting up and walking away from the table. I looked at each new ?diet trend? and I had eliminated all those ?bad carbohydrates? from my diet and lived at the gym ? and I ended up thin and tired all the time. I even tried dexatrim (I may be dating myself ? does any body else out there remember that?) and ended up a yo-yo dieter. It was like I was in a constant battle with my body and my weight.

In this process of trying everything I had never before felt this feeling of being satisfied. I loved it! So I used the herbs for a few weeks and then I proceeded to talk myself out of taking the herbs ? too expensive, etc? and promptly got tired and sick, went back on them ? stopped and got sick and tired again, repeated it a third time and then I got the message that these herbs were doing something really good for my body.

Then to my surprise, six months later I dropped 20 pounds without changing anything else in my life. I even began to eat more without gaining weight like I used to. I had a lifetime of experience struggling with my weight and I was amazed at how these ?little packages of herbs? were changing my life. I would never have expected that these nutritional herbs would help me lose weight. I was so intrigued that I ended up going to Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine School to learn more. That was my door into the world of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture weight loss and I?ve never looked back.

Weight Loss is quite a difficult complex problem for some of us, and not even an issue for others. Just recently ?Language has been removed from the Medicare Coverage Issues Manual stating that obesity is not an illness?. The medical science will now determine whether we provide coverage for the treatments that reduce complications and improve quality of life for the millions of Medicare beneficiaries with obesity.? Being overweight is now officially a disease. ?And as a first step, we expect to convene our Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee in the fall to evaluate the evidence on the various surgical procedures used in treating obesity.? There has to be other alternatives besides surgery.

Acupuncture for Weight Loss hit the press in 2003 when Reuters, CNN and others reported of successful acupuncture weight loss clinics in China. Chinese Medicine theory, traditionally hold that overweight people have imbalanced digestive systems. By stimulating the digestive system through acupuncture and herbs, it becomes more balanced and efficient, thus nutrition is more bio-available and the person feels fuller. This is what happened to me when my metabolism came into a better balance. Other theories are that acupuncture mainly helps reduce appetite and improve metabolism.

A slow increase in Obesity in China had lead to this new specialty ? acupuncture weight loss. A professor at a Traditional Chinese Medicine College in China states that treatments for weight reduction have been practiced, studied and refined over the past 5 years . While an exact comparison between the US and China is difficult, in China the numbers may be close to 10-13% overweight adults, as compared to 64% for the US, but with their lifestyles and economic changes this number is beginning to rise . In Beijing, the capital, students eagerly enjoy down their Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and pop tarts. These foods have slowly replaced the previous hot spots with traditional Chinese snacks found in places like Grandma?s Dumpling House . The obesity rate among primary and middle school students has risen to 18 %, from 10% in 1991, the state Xinhua news agency said recently, citing a survey from the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

So what kind of acupuncture weight loss treatments do they offer in these clinics in China? Acupuncture, on the body and/or the ear, herbal supplements and exercise that?s not overly taxing . These are the primary treatment modalities that are used, but Acupuncture is the pillar of their weight loss strategy. How successful are they in losing weight? Currently there are no published research studies in peer ? reviewed journals, only success stories emanating from the clinics. One source states ?On this modest program ? patients are said to lose between 22 and 33 pounds per month .? Huge weight losses of up to 242 pounds are boasted. In China, they say that 4 of 5 patients lose weight.

I was fortunate to have been trained by a colleague that studied in China learning these acupuncture weight loss treatments. We are now proud and excited to offer the Chinese nutritional herbal program that I used as well as these treatments as well and other supporting treatments for weight loss at our Oriental Medicine spa-clinic in Los Angeles. I continue to further my study and am exploring working with researchers at a major university to evaluate the efficacy of these protocols. Imagine finding solid evidence that there is a treatment for obesity that has relatively few side effects. It is exciting to see where this can go.

The unique acupuncture weight loss program we are offering here in Los Angeles at the Oriental Med Spa is a synergy based on the treatment protocol currently used in China, Chinese Dietary therapy including nutrient packed supplements and nutrition for weight loss taught to physicians . It is a gradual reduction method and includes Oriental Medicine Diagnosis, a series of eight Acupuncture for Weight Loss Treatments, Auricular acupuncture (ear seeds) and herbal pharmaceutical grade Chinese nutrition supplements. Acupuncture and nutritional herbs are used primarily to strengthen the digestive system so it becomes more efficient. The food you eat is better assimilated and you feel full more quickly with less cravings. We hear ?I noticed that my cravings were much less? on a regular basis from patients.

Breathing exercises are also a vital part of our program. For additional support we also provide Chinese Nutrition diet analysis, Eating plans, Lifestyle Changes Support, RejuvaQi Qi Gong Exercises, Slim & Toned IR BodyWrap and AromaWraps for weight loss. Treatments range from active to pampering. Each program is tailored and individualized for the patient?s unique situation. In China they say that 4 of 5 patients lose weight. Only time will tell here in the West .

Searches of medical literature show that all of the following are important, lifestyle choices such as daily exercise, smart diet choices, dealing with your ?inner eating demons?. Others are important but haven?t gotten quite as much press ? proper breathing, body balance & flexibility, and constitution. Let?s face it we all come in as a unique individual with our own DNA, personality profile and favorite foods. First is the decision to lose weight, next is the right support.

This is where I believe Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for weight loss are powerful supporting tools, to help us find our own individual paths to healthy living. It is a slow gradual reduction method. It takes time as the body rebalances. It worked well for me, it has worked for others and if you are seriously looking for support for your weight loss, come in for a treatment. We?d love to share it with you.

 Debra Clydesdale LAc DNBAO is President of the Oriental Med SPA. She has been helping people lead healthier lives for over 15 years offering specialized anti-aging, facial renewal, and orthopoedic treatments, products and services with roots in Oriental Medicine and Chinese Nutrition. Learn more at

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss with Alternative Medicine

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



Weight loss is one of the big topics-no pun intended-on the late night television circuit. While flipping through the channels after 11p.m., you are apt to come across several advertisements for weight loss pills and diet supplements, each promising to help you drop those unwanted pounds and remove stubborn belly fat once and for all.

Let's face it, if these pills really worked, America wouldn't be the top overweight country in the world.

There are types of alternative medicine which can help with weight loss, however, and with great results. While no alternative medicine is a magic solution, practicing these principles can help you become more limber, feel more energetic, and the end result-or side effect if you will- is weight loss.

Take yoga for example. The low impact stretching involved with yoga will help you feel less stressed, and as a result less likely to over eat as a result of depression or anger. Acupuncture has exact pressure points in the ear which help reduce cravings, and detoxifying teas and herbs can help you feel healthier, and the side effect would be thinking twice before deciding that you want to "pollute" yourself again with oily and fatty foods. In this respect, alternative medicine is wonderful for weight loss.

Most alternative medicines for weight loss come in the form of detoxifying teas, energy supplements, and vitamins. The exercise and diet plans are the basis-as they should be- for safe and effective long term weight loss. There is no magic potion to lose weight. Truly dropping pounds and keeping them off requires regular daily exercise and a change in eating habits, period.

However, to get you ready for weight loss, here are some alternative medicine detoxifying teas and interesting supplements;

Take turmeric, ginger, and lemon-about a half teaspoon each and the juice of half a lemon, and boil it all in 2 cups of water. Drink every morning as a detoxifier before you start your diet.

All diets should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, and buying a juicer is a great way to make a habit out of eating healthy. Please see your doctor before starting any kind of diet plan.

Omega three is a fine source of nutrient, and can be added to any smoothie or juice that you're drinking.

Visit your local food co op or herbalist, they can get you set up with all sorts of alternative teas and nutrition advice, and can refer you to a good homeopathic doctor who will evaluate you as to what your individual nutrition needs are. Bovine and shark cartilage are two dietary supplements to hit the alternative market. Both have been used for years outside of the United States and Britain, but now are big business in the health food stores.

The most popular form of alternative medicine for weight loss isn't really medicine at all, rather behavior modification through hypnosis. Hypnosis doesn't make you rely on will power, that's one of the reasons it's so popular.

How hypnosis works is that it investigates what is subconsciously holding you to the thinking and eating habits that keep you overweight. Hypnotists believe that if the root cause of the obesity can be alleviated, the patient will naturally begin to lose weight. It is actually a very effective form of alternative medicine, and overall can cost much less than trips to day spas and expensive over the counter weight loss pills. Through hypnosis you can let go of fears that keep you from eating healthy, and begin to allow a positive energy flow through you, causing you to want to stick to the new way of eating and exercising.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

 This article was published by Hans Hasselfors from Visit our article directory for more articles about weight loss.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Treadmill Walking for Weight Loss

If You Are Not A Certified IDIOT and Want to Loss Your Weight INSTANTLY Then CICK HERE



Only about 20 percent of the U.S. population engages in some type of physical activity on a regular basis, according to the Sporting Goods Manufacturer Association International (SGMA). That leaves approximately 80 percent of the U.S. population living predominantly sedentary lifestyles!

These sedentary lifestyles have produced a high number of adults who are overweight or obese. To be more precise, around 65 percent of U.S. adults weigh too much, according to the "results from the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey" conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics.

If you're one who is sporting some extra body fat, there IS a solution! BECOME MORE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE!

In order to lose fat and pounds, you must burn more calories than you consume! Now, if you've never exercised, you certainly do not want to try to go out and run a marathon! But, an exercise that just about anyone can engage that is relatively safe and requires no special walking!

Walking is a great way to rid your body of fat tissue and to build muscle mass. It is a low-impact exercise, with minimal risk of injury. And, when done regularly, it improves cardiovascular health, as well as endurance.

David A. Rives, in Walk Yourself Thin, is a formerly overweight individual who walked his way to a leaner, fitter body. He discovered from his own personal experience that increasing one's level of activity to over-compensate for the number of calories consumed each day can lead to loss of excess fat.

How long and how far should you walk? Rives says that you should walk just as fast and as long as you comfortably can each day, if you're striving to replace fat with lean, muscle tissue. As you become fitter, you'll be able to walk faster, longer, and farther.

Treadmill Walking

Of course, where you walk is entirely up to you! However, there are many benefits to walking on a treadmill.

When you walk outdoors, you're at the mercy of Mother Nature. Let's face it! Sometimes, she doesn't cooperate, and the weather conditions can be less than ideal for walking outdoors. On those days, you either brave the weather, or you simply don't go out to walk!

If you get your daily walks done on a treadmill, however, you don't have to miss a workout! You may walk in a comfortable, controlled environment, any time of day or night! Now, how convenient is that?

When you walk on a treadmill, you have no obstacles to watch out for, to walk around, or to trip over. Thus, your chances of injury are reduced. And, treadmill walking is relatively simple to do!

Treadmills typically have display windows that show your speed, incline level, intensity level, as well as the length of time you've spent on the treadmill and the distance you've traveled. These displays allow you to monitor your workouts more closely.

Most decent treadmills today have pre-programmed workouts, with various workout levels from which to choose. This makes the treadmill perfect for beginning walkers up to advanced walkers.

You get a more consistent, low-impact workout on a treadmill.


Whether you have only a few pounds of fat to lose, or you have lots of extra fat to shed, walking is a safe, healthy way to get in shape. Treadmill walking is simple, convenient, consistent, and sensible!

Fred Waters worked in the treadmill industry for a number of years. Get his insider perspective on over 75 treadmills at

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson 29

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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson 29

Divine One,

What joys did you experience today? When we have the relationship with ourselves and the one who created us, we have mastered God's intention for us and living in pure joy of being. His plan is to take care of everything else and make life simple and effortlessly. Do we always listen to His message?

I wasn't listening myself recently. I had been on such a great course with giving myself down time for a nice relaxing bath, reading, meditation and journaling before going to sleep, but over the past few months I hadn't been doing this. Guess what happened? I was experiencing the "out of balance" blues. I was feeling this inner turmoil....all because I wasn't spending the quality time with myself and God at night. Then an angel gave me a wake up call. Thank you, God.

While I was driving I got pulled over for speeding by an angel in a policeman's uniform; I haven't gotten a ticket since I was 21 years old. Yes, he did write me a ticket. His message to me was "slow down." We never know who God intends to show up for us; we just know that people in our lives show up for a reason. Remember there are no accidents, only synchronicity.

Slow down!! I've taken that to heart and have made some changes. I was meant to slow down, not only driving, but in my daily life. I get off track too and need to be reminded.....WHOA Tami!!

What does slow down mean to me? It means I'm living in the present being grateful for drinking water, brushing my teeth, taking a hot shower, nice comfy bed, my family, my friends. In addition, I am spending the much needed time at night to commune with God.

What does slow down mean to you? Take some time and write down what it means. Where do you need to slow down? Who is your angel showing up for you? Maybe it's your child, your significant other, your parent, your co-worker. Whomever it is, listen to God's message he or she is delivering.

All the books I read say to live in the present, live in the here and now. It's also God's message to us. Remember He takes care of the rest.

Love and hugs,


Helping you fall in love with yourself Tami Close 2916 NW Bucklin Hill Rd. #291 Silverdale, WA 98383 360-792-2209

Tami Close is a weight loss expert and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is a 1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others. She has also written several e-books.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Weight loss pills, is that the only way?

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Weight loss pills are one of the most popular nutrition supplements in the world. There are hundreds of different products on the weight loss supplements market. Weight loss pills are everywhere: in drugstores, gyms and common stores.

Is it possible to achieve a result without using weight loss pills? Certainly.

What is needed to loose body fat without weight loss pills?

Proper diet

Diet must contain 4-6 food intakes per day. Total amount of calories should be in the range of 1800 and 2500 calories. Necessarily eat good breakfast and lunch every day. Try to eat low-carb high-protein food. Do not avoid fats completely, since they are very needed for the vitamins assimilation, hormones formation and also for the maintenance of the hair and nails beauty. Frequent eating will increase your metabolism and you will loose weight more easily. Certainly use vitamin and mineral supplements since they also help to improve your metabolism.

Cardio training

Cardio training may contain basically arbitrary exercises. The choice does not play very big role. The main point is to maintain the right pulse. It should be in the range from 60 to 70% of the maximum pulse.

Continued on Weight Loss FAQ

Vlad Golodov is a professional gym coach. Weight Loss FAQ

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Weight Loss Tip : Don't Let them Profit from You!

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Food can be wonderful or plain awful. At its best, it nourishes us, gives us energy and delights our taste buds. At its worst it clogs up our arteries, fills our bodies with unwanted toxins and makes us fat.

The secret of losing weight is to choose the delicious natural healthy kind and to eat just enough of it so you feel great.

But with so much awful food on offer out there, it's easier said than done.

No one is paying huge sums to advertise fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and organic lean meat.

Instead we have major food manufacturers with big budgets pushing snacks we can do without and products loaded with thickeners, sweeteners, salt, corn syrup, mechanically recovered meat, preservatives and every other semi-edible chemical known to man.

Sure, the food tastes Ok - after all it's full of sugars (or artificial sweeteners) and salt for that very reason. Food manufacturers aim to bring you palatable food otherwise you wouldn't buy it. But it has to turn in a huge profit too so they pile in preservatives to give it a long shelf life and use the cheapest ingredients they can get away with, padding them out with fillers. But is that really how you want to nourish your body?

If you buy cakes and cookies, snacks and processed foods without thinking about what you are really putting into your body, you are doing your health a huge disservice and playing right into the hands of the food manufacturers. You are paying good money for food which has no value to your health and questionable ingredients which you really don't want to feed anyone you care about (including you!)

Now there are some good processed foods out there - but you do have to seek them out - they are not the major profit producers of the big advertisers. Most of the advertising money goes into persuading us to purchase vast quantities of worthless soft drinks, chocolate bars and salty snacks.

Read the label on any product you're considering buying to check that the ingredients include only those items you would use if you were making the product at home. If there's anything that sounds like it belongs in a chemical laboratory leave it on the shelf and choose something else.

And whatever you choose make sure that you accompany it with ample fresh vegetables or salad - very few processed foods will contain adequate amounts of these. After your meal, if you need anything else, swap sugar and sweetener-laden profit-making desserts and cakes for fresh fruit.

Even better than being highly selective in the processed food you buy, get a good cook book full of healthy delicious recipes and learn to make fantastic food for you and your family. Enjoy the whole process of nourishing yourself and the ones you love from fresh basic good quality ingredients. Taste the difference and you'll never look back.

Our health is precious. Be super critical about what you put into your body and don't let the food manufacturers profit from feeding you and your family junk food.

anice Elizabeth Small

Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan". Her system promotes permanent healthy and automatic weight loss through making small changes to your everyday habits. Get her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at TODAY!

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Friday, November 2, 2007

Weight Loss Or Fat Loss - Important Differences To Lose Weight And Fat Healthily

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Some people used the term ?weight loss? while others call it ?fat loss? whilst many use the terms weight loss and fat loss interchangeably. Do they mean the same thing? To many people, they do mean the same thing. But the terms may be entirely different in meaning. You must know the difference if you want to lose weight or lose fat effectively and healthily.

When you step onto your bathroom scale every morning, what you will be reading from the scale is weight loss and not fat loss. Bath room scales are never accurate in determining fat loss.

Why? Because it measures your overall weight and not your body fat per se. If you weigh yourself in the morning before breakfast after your bowel movement, you will probably get your lowest reading of the day because your body is dehydrated through hours of non fluid replenishment when you were sleeping and after emptying your bowels, more water and wastes are flushed away so much so that you are you are lighter. After a night of sleep and not eating anything, your carbohydrate store is running low and therefore you are even lighter without the stored carbohydrate known as glycogen. What happened then? You just loss weight not loss fat! Your body fat is still there while the weight of other substances such as glycogen, wastes, water etc are depleted.

Now go weigh yourself again after dinner when you are fully replenished through meals and consumption of water and it may surprised you that you may probably weigh 2kg or more heavier and that is at least 4.4 pounds! You just gained weight and may even gained fat! Now you can see that it is such a misnomer when people think weight loss and fat loss are the same thing.

Why must you know the difference? Because for most of us, especially those who are on the fat side want to lose fat and not necessarily want to lose weight. Getting the drift?

Now for the more important part. Mere weight loss may cause you to lose muscle and in turn, make you gain body fat later. Yes, it is ironical. That is because the more muscle mass you have, the more you burn fat efficiently because muscle is an active tissue and it requires calories to function. Body fat just sit there doing nothing and thus do not burn calories on its own. So the less muscle mass you have, the less calories your body will burn. The fewer calories your body burn, the more calories ended up being stored as body fat! Therefore it is important to lose fat but not merely lose weight which may include the loss of muscle tissues.

How is it that a person may lose muscle on a weight loss program? Well for starters, we commonly hear about people going on this diet and that diet. Most diets demand a severe restriction of food or calorie intake. Your body will then signal to your mind that you are in a starvation mode and the body is designed to store fat for the impending famine and will use up your muscle for energy in your daily activities.

Some diets advocate a severe cut in carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is your body's first source of energy. When your body is depleted of carbohydrate, it turns to your protein (muscles) and body fat indiscriminately for energy. Now to make matters worse, because of the restricted carbohydrate consumed, there will be fewer carbohydrate calories to be used as energy calories and that again will signal the onset of starvation mode again. The vicious cycle of your body cannibalizing its own muscle is set in motion again. The same applies to people on slimming pills or salon fat loss programs.

So some people say ok, Chris, I see your point, so I will just do plenty of cardio exercises to lose weight. Another grave mistake. Have you ever wondered why marathon runners, those who run many kilometers often and are doing cardio exercises almost everyday are so skinny with no muscle tone? Because your body is a wonderful machine. It is designed to adapt. When you run or skip or swim long enough, it will say, look, I better get lighter so that I can take the stress better and improve the endurance. Guess what? Your muscles are heavier than fats and what will your body shed more when it wants to get lighter? Muscle or fat? Your body will shed both but more muscles than fats.

Anyway, why would you want to lose weight only to become a smaller you with the same body shape without any muscle tone? Why would you want to be on a weight loss program that eats your muscles and lower your fat burning rate so much so that when you are off the program, the fats come piling back on again?

Therefore, while you are on a lose weight program, you must also be on a build muscle program. That will mean a combination of correct dietary habit, cardio exercises and weightlifting exercises to maintain muscle preservation and a fat loss result.

From now on tell people you are on a fat loss program and not a weight loss program. That you are on a correct eating habit instead of just simply dieting.

With the distinction clearly in mind, you will then know how to lose fat effectively, preserve and grow your muscles and at the same time losing weight on your bathroom scale. That would be an ideal way to achieve your weight loss objective because you will lose body fat instead of muscle and mere body wastes.

 Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of fashion models, male pageant winners and actors. More free fitness tips at :- Free Fitness Tips Lose fat build muscles fast

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Make A Weight-Loss New Year's Resolution And Stick With It

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Year after year promises are made and broken. Losing weight is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions around. We always begin with great intentions but after a few weeks, we drop back into our usual bad habits and the weight we start to put back on. Here are some basic guidelines you need to follow to make sure you stick to your weight-loss resolution at the end of December.

Determine why you are doing this resolution and write it down.

Try to think about the reason why you want to loose weight. Is it to look better in a bathing suit or to feel young again. Maybe it's to get the overall better. How about being able to enjoy a more active lifestyle? Whatever, your goals are try to be honest and specific as possible.

Setting those weight-loss goals and writing them down.

Ok! The next important guideline to follow is to stick to your weight-loss goal. However, make sure that this is a sensible goal to begin with. You shouldn't expect yourself to loose more than 2-4 pounds per week. Keep in mind that the higher your body mass, the more weight you can expect to lose in the long run. If you are in the average range, but still feel that you should lose more weight, you may not want to aim for more than 4 pounds. However, if you are obese, than losing 50 pounds this year may be a reasonable goal this year.

Remember to alway consult with your physician before starting any weight loss program. He or she can help you to determine a sensible goal for weight loss.

Ok! Let's make a plan you can stick with all year long.

Most likely you've tried every weight loss diet fad out their. So you already know what doesn't work. So, try to be realistic and make small changes that will benefit you over the long run. Eat healthier and consume fewer calories, and try to get more activity.

Setting small goals.

Try to look at where you are now and what you would like to achieve by the end of the year. Now break this down into smaller weight loss goals. Breaking your weight loss journey into small parts will make it seem more attainable. Move on to each goal only after you finish the previous one. Record what you eat and how active you are during the day. This means everything from walking up those steps to working out and so on. Writing these things down will help you see progress. This will help your mind start to process your weight loss goals and believe in them. "If I eat that hotdog, I'll have to write it down. Well, I better skip it". Try to reward yourself for every small goal.

Remember those small goals you planed out? Make sure you enjoy each goal you achieve. Reward yourself with small pants you never thought you could fit into or that tropical vacation you've been looking to take. Pick a reward you will truly enjoy. This will build some positive reinforcement that will keep you going until and achieve that weight loss goal you've been looking for.

 Troy Francis. Troy is a writer and Personal Trainer for Exercise-Diet. Please, feel free to republish this article. We only ask that you leave the resource box and link. You can see more great articles on Weight Loss, Diet, Exercise, Health and much more by going to:

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

7 Simple Tips to Help Fulfill Your Weight Loss Resolutions

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...and resolutions."

Yes, it's that time of the year again.

Why is it that every time Jan 1st comes around, everyone starts to think about their new resolutions for the year? Or perhaps "new" isn't the correct word -- perhaps "recycled" is more apt? After all, isn't it true that for most people, "resolutions are made to be broken?"

Goals are a wonderful way to inspire us towards getting the things in life that we want, but more often than not, they simply end up unattained and we get frustrated (again) at the end of the year.

But it doesn't have to be so.


You can attain your goals or resolutions, but only IF you know how to go about setting them up correctly in the first place. And I'll give you a few useful pointers to help you get started on the right track...

- Begin with the end in mind. What's the end result you want to achieve? Do you want to lose weight? Or do you want to drop 1 dress size instead?

- Get specific and be realistic. It's not enough to just say "I want to lose weight." How much do you want to lose _exactly_? By when? A better goal is to say "I want to lose 11 pounds in 3 months." And make sure your goal is realistic. If you want to drop 27 pounds, it's not realistic to say you want to do that within the next 7 days, not to mention that it's not healthy to do that! Or if you've been putting on the weight slowly over the last 10 years, it's not quite realistic to say you want to go back to your weight 10 years ago within a month.

- Break it down into smaller and easier "baby steps." Let's say you want to lose 20 pounds. That seems like an insurmountable task, but it becomes easier to manage if you look at it as losing an average of 1 pound per week, over a course of 20 weeks. Now's that manageable! For you to lose a pound a week, you only need to create a calorie deficit of about 500 calories per day by controlling your diet and increasing your amount of exercises.

- Okay, now for the big "secret" -- the missing key to achieving your goals: Write down your "Why" i.e. what are you doing this for? Most people skip this step, and it's a primary reason why they never seem to achieve their goals. It's absolutely critical for you to write down the reasons why you want to achieve each specific goal. For example, if the goal is to "lose 20 pounds in 6 months," write down why you want to lose that weight. And here's another tip: Make it "personal and emotional." The more "emotional" the reason, the more likely you'll be driven towards the goal. So, let's say you've got kids. An example of a good "reason why" is "I know being overweight is a leading cause of many health problems -- I will lose the 20 pounds and get healthier so that I will not be a burden to my children, and be able to stay healthy long enough to attend my daughter's wedding and be there to carry my grandchildren." A ssuming all these things are important to you, of course. :-) But I'm sure you get the picture.

- "Write it down and put it up!" It's usually not good enough to just think of the goals in your head. You need to write down all your specific goals and the "reasons why," and then paste it up where you will look at it every day. Don't write it down on a notebook and chuck that inside the drawer. Instead, paste it up on your dressing table mirror, or anywhere else that is in plain sight. Remember, "out of sight, out of mind!"

- Do not be too ambitious. Aim for a loss of 1-2 pounds per week, at the max! Losing more than that amount is bad for you. And it'll most probably be caused by a loss of water and/or muscle, rather than your unwanted excess body fat.

- Be realistic and "go with the flow." The pounds didn't come on overnight, so don't expect them to disappear in a jiffy too. And sometimes the weight loss isn't as fast (or as much) as planned. But don't get stressed out, because stress will only add on the pounds. It's important that you don't think of the weight loss process as "all or nothing." Instead, think of it as "slowly but surely." The weight may go up a little sometimes, but if you stick to your plan, you'll still be delighted at the end of the year!

Use these simple steps and make a positive difference to your life this year! Best of luck!

Tracy Lee is the owner of the "Weight Loss for Women Over 40" site. Get the latest news, tips & tricks that can help women over 40 to lose weight safely and permanently, and your complimentary copy of our Special Report "9 Little-Known Insider Weight Loss Secrets To Help Women Over 40 Make Those Extra Pounds Disappear" instantly here:

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